Upcoming Symposium for Vietnamese Heads of diplomatic missions with associations and businesses

WVR - Chiefs of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad will share new trends in investment, innovation, education, and training, providing strategic advice for Vietnamese businesses to capitalize on opportunities for success.
Tọa đàm giữa các Trưởng Cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngoài và doanh nghiệp, bên lề Hội nghị Ngoại giao 31, tháng 12/2021. (Ảnh: Tuấn Anh)

Symposium between the Chiefs of Vietnamese Representative Agencies Abroad and Businesses, on the sidelines of the 31st Diplomatic Conference in December 2021. (Photo: Tuan Anh)

In the framework of the 32nd Diplomatic Conference and the 21st National Foreign Affairs Conference, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is set to organize a symposium between the Chiefs of Vietnamese Representative Agencies abroad and various Vietnamese associations and businesses. This event, scheduled for the afternoon of December 15th, marks the first in a series of activities held during these important conferences.

The symposium will witness the participation of the Chiefs of Vietnamese diplomatic missions abroad, newly appointed Ambassadors and Consuls General, representatives of various ministries, local governments, associations, and businesses.

Aligning with the economic diplomacy policy aimed at serving development, the symposium holds significant importance and relevance in the context where the Party, State, Government, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognize the business community as a primary service target. The primary concern for the Vietnamese business community is to grasp the current trends and seize opportunities for effective adaptation, especially in the current context.

At the symposium, Vietnamese heads of diplomatic missions will share new trends in investment, innovation, education, and training, providing strategic advice for Vietnamese businesses to capitalize on opportunities for success.

This forum also serves as a platform for two-way information exchange, sharing insights for market entry, and seeking investment partners in and outside Vietnam.

The symposium is anticipated to feature three main discussion sessions, focusing on: New opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses in the integration process; Promoting cooperation in high-tech investment, innovation, and energy transition; and Developing the Halal industry.

Following the discussions in the main hall, participants will engage in networking sessions between the Chiefs of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad, and leaders of associations and businesses. The event is organized in a format that facilitates direct connections at locations prepared by the organizing committee, divided according to geographical regions.

Alongside the event, The World & Vietnam Report, press agency of Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs will set up a Press Corner for roundtable discussion themed "Ambassadors & Business" with the participation of invited guests inclulding representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Heads of Vietnam's diplomatics missions, as well as leaders from various industry associations and businesses. These discussions will offer an opportunity to address challenges and advantages in operations, share insights, and propose solutions to help Vietnamese enterprises grow robustly and integrate successfully into the global economy.
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Translated by Trang Linh