Reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 24,262 VND/USD on June 24, up 6 VND/USD

WVR- The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 24,262 VND/USD on June 24, up 6 VND/USD from the weekend.
Reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 24,262 VND/USD on June 24, up 6 VND/USD
Reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 24,256 VND/USD on June 24, up 1 VND/USD. (Source: WVR)

Reference exchange rate at the State Bank of Vietnam's trading desk for buying and selling decreased slightly and is currently at 23,400 VND/USD - 25,450 VND/USD.

The USD exchange rates at commercial banks are as follows:

Vietcombank: 25,218 VND/USD - 25,468 VND/USD

Vietinbank: 25,251 VND/USD - 25,469 VND/USD.

The list of currency rates

VCB - Exchange rate updated at 9:00 on June 24

Currency Code Buying Selling
Currency Name Code Cash Buying Telegraphic Buying
AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR AUD 16,505.59 16,672.31 17,205.77
CANADIAN DOLLAR CAD 18,123.37 18,306.44 18,892.18
SWISS FRANC CHF 27,825.49 28,106.56 29,005.88
YUAN RENMINBI CNY 3,433.20 3,467.88 3,579.38
DANISH KRONE DKK - 3,585.83 3,722.84
EURO EUR 26,546.33 26,814.47 27,999.61
POUND STERLING GBP 31,379.47 31,696.44 32,710.62
HONGKONG DOLLAR HKD 3,178.20 3,210.31 3,313.02
INDIAN RUPEE INR - 303.61 315.72
YEN JPY 155.28 156.85 164.33
KOREAN WON KRW 15.84 17.60 19.19
KUWAITI DINAR KWD - 82,749.40 86,050.57
MALAYSIAN RINGGIT MYR - 5,340.02 5,456.05
NORWEGIAN KRONER NOK - 2,364.93 2,465.14
RUSSIAN RUBLE RUB - 277.20 306.84
SAUDI RIAL SAR - 6,765.27 7,035.16
SWEDISH KRONA SEK - 2,374.60 2,475.21
SINGAPORE DOLLAR SGD 18,321.50 18,506.56 19,098.71
THAILAND BAHT THB 612.10 680.11 706.09
US DOLLAR USD 25,218.00 25,248.00 25,468.00
Reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 24,256 VND/USD on June 21, up 1 VND/USD
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