Vietnamese archers to compete at World Cup 2024 in RoK

Eight Vietnamese archers will compete at the World Cup 2024 in the Republic of Korea from May 21-26, in both recurve and compound events for men and women.
Archer Do Thi Anh Nguyet is among Vietnam’s best hopes at the event. (Photo:
Archer Do Thi Anh Nguyet is among Vietnam’s best hopes at the event. (Photo:

As the recurve is the Olympic discipline, this is the last tournament that offers Olympic slots to competitors including Vietnam’s best hopes Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhi and Do Thi Anh Nguyet in the women's events.

They took part in the World Cup stage in China in April but did not get the results they expected.

Anh Nguyet and Nguyen Hoang Phi Vu were Vietnam’s competitors in Tokyo in 2021.

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