Symposium explores potential of Vietnam - Germany innovation cooperation

The Consulate General of Vietnam in Frankfurt city of Germany and the Vietnam - Germany Innovation Network (AgNetwork) have held a symposium looking into the prospects of the two countries’ cooperation in artificial intelligence (AI), innovation, and smart city development.

Consul General Le Quang Long highly valued the coordination between VGInetwork and the Consulate General’s science and technology position to hold the symposium to share information about new technologies to help develop priority economic and technical fields in Vietnam such as smart city development and AI.

Symposium explores potential of Vietnam - Germany innovation cooperation | Sci-Tech | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
Members of a working group of the Vietnam - Germany Innovation Network (VGInetwork) pose for a photo at the Vietnam National Innovation Centre in Hoa Lac of Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

He also applauded the development of VGInetwork and its expansion to the experts in the southwest of Germany to contribute to the two sides’ innovation cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thinh, head of the spatial information management and modeling research group at the Technical University of Dortmund and also Chairman of VGInetwork, highlighted the network’s outstanding activities and the potential of the countries’ cooperation in smart city and smart building development.

Prof. Dr. Vu Duc Binh from SRH University Heidelberg, who is also a member of VGInetwork, held that with Germany’s strengths in digital technology and Vietnam’s large information technology (IT) manpower, AI is a highly potential cooperation orientation promising practical benefits for both countries.

Meanwhile, a member of the VGInetwork executive board Vuong Hong Tri, and a working group of the network, who attended the recent inauguration of the Vietnam National Innovation Centre in the suburbs of Hanoi, reported on their activities at the Vietnam International Innovation Expo 2023 to open up opportunities for the countries’ cooperation in IT, AI, and manpower training.

They also proposed a tech-fest or IT day in Vietnam to be held in Germany in 2024 to connect the startup and innovation ecosystems of the countries.

Tran Dong, head of the Consulate General’s science and technology passion, highly valued the network’s achievements since its establishment over four years ago, including developing energy, auto & mechanic, digitalization & AI, and biotech & medicine hubs, expanding the fields of research cooperation, and admitting new members to contribute to the homeland’s development.

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(Source: VNA)