Pilot opening of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls site: Workshop

WVR/VNA - The northern border province of Cao Bang is building a plan for the pilot opening of the landscape site of Ban Gioc (Vietnam) - Detian (China) Waterfalls in October 2023, according to the workshop on April 18, 2023.
Pilot opening of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls site slated for October
Pilot opening of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls site: Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu, head of the National Border Committee, addresses the workshop in Cao Bang province on April 18, 2023. (Photo: VNA)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the provincial People’s Committee held the workshop to discuss the pilot opening of the landscape site for tourism, which has been delayed due to several difficulties. Part of the waterfalls, called Ban Gioc by the Vietnamese side and Detian by the Chinese side, is located in Vietnam while the other in China.

Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu, Head of the National Border Committee, underlined the importance of the site opening, which will help Cao Bang tap into tourism potential to boost economic, cultural, and social development as well as cross-border exchanges.

It is a task of not only Cao Bang but also ministries, sectors, and central agencies to help realise Vietnam and China’s determination to build a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development, he noted.

Hoang Xuan Anh, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said the Vietnamese and Chinese Governments signed a cooperation agreement on protecting and exploiting tourism resources of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls on November 5, 2015, and it took effect on June 16, 2016.

Pilot opening of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls site slated for October
Pilot opening of Ban Gioc - Detian Waterfalls site: Ban Gioc Waterfall. (Photo: VNA)

Cao Bang, assigned to coordinate with ministries and central agencies to carry out the deal, has conducted surveys and held several talks with authorities of China’s Guangxi province. The two sides agreed on plans for creating border crossings, building border checkpoints and barriers, and managing and operating the landscape site to serve tourists from both sides on a trial basis.

However, the province has faced certain difficulties during the agreement implementation, Chairman Anh said.

Local officials proposed the Government, ministries, and sectors continue assisting Cao Bang in such fields as discussing with the Chinese side about border management and construction of border facilities, managing visitors to the landscape site, and completing specific mechanisms for the deal enforcement.

Cao Bang is set to continue perfecting and submitting the plans and measures for the pilot operation to the Foreign Ministry so that the site can be opened on scheduled.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)