Overseas Vietnamese proactively contribute to economic and intellectual resources of the country

WVR - Sharing with The World & Vietnam Report about the work on overseas Vietnamese in the new situation, Deputy Minister Le Thi Thu Hang, Head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, expressed her enthusiasm when the trust of the overseas Vietnamese community in our national development has been further consolidated and strengthened, they are increasingly and proactively contributing to the economic and intellectual resources of the country.
The National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee and the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese  (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) jointly organized a discussion on policies and laws towards Vietnamese overseas  on January 13, 2023 in Hanoi.
The National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee and the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) jointly organized a discussion on policies and laws towards Vietnamese overseas on January 13, 2023 in Hanoi.

How has Conclusion No. 12-KL/TW regarding the work on overseas Vietnamese had a positive impact on this work?

fter more than two years of implementation, the Conclusion has exerted a positive impact on many aspects of the work related to the overseas Vietnamese. First of all, it must be affirmed that the Conclusion has further raised the awareness and concern of the whole society about the role of the overseas Vietnamese community in the cause of great solidarity, mobilizing the nation’s aggregate strength for the aspiration of building and developing a prosperous and happy country. The work on overseas Vietnamese hereby receives increasing attention and involvement from the entire political system, at all levels, sectors, and localities, and is considered one of the priorities of our representative agencies. More importantly, it is highly welcomed and respected by our overseas Vietnamese.

With the Conclusion, the work on overseas Vietnamese more clearly expresses feelings and responsibilities of the Party and State in taking care of the overseas Vietnamese community. That spirit has become facts of life and brings about practical and meaningful results.

Consultative and policy-making work has achieved outstanding results. The State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs continues to coordinate with relevant agencies to review, propose amendments, and complete policies related to overseas Vietnamese, to ensure their legitimate rights regarding their nationality, immigration, investment, property ownership, etc. Supporting overseas Vietnamese to have a solid legal status and stabilize their lives in the host country is of great concern. In foreign affairs activities, our leaders have always made requests to leaders of other countries to pay attention to, support, and create favorable conditions for Vietnamese people to live, study, and work in their respective countries. Difficulties regarding the legal status of overseas Vietnamese in some areas are gradually being resolved, their positions are firmly consolidated. Recently, on June 7, 2023, Slovakia officially recognized the Vietnamese community as its 14 ethnic groups.

Along with the work of preserving and promoting the national cultural identity, the work on Vietnamese language has received due attention. The project to honor the Vietnamese language in the overseas Vietnamese community, approved by the Prime Minister in August 2022, can be considered as a breakthrough in this work, an important driving force to promote teaching and learning activities, meeting the aspirations and practical needs of the community. Special attention has been paid to the work of great national unity, mobilization and promotion of overseas resources. A wide range of activities has been implemented to connect and attract overseas Vietnamese resources. The State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs has hosted and co-organized about 30 seminars, symposiums, forums, trade and investment promotion programs to gather opinions from overseas Vietnamese on development issues. Recently, the Project on Promoting overseas Vietnamese resources to serve national development in the new situation has been approved by the Prime Minister (November 10, 2023), which is an important basis to implement this work more effectively and comprehensively in the coming time. With the above efforts of the whole system, the overseas Vietnamese community’s confidence in the country’s development and national pride among our overseas compatriots have been consolidated. People are increasingly proactive and actively participating in contributing economic and intellectual resources to the country.

Overseas Vietnamese make trip to Trường Sa and DK1 platforms, April 2023.
Overseas Vietnamese make trip to Truong Sa and DK1 platforms in April 2023.

2023 is the first year to implement the project on honoring Vietnamese Language in the overseas Vietnamese community for the period 2023-2030. Can you tell us about the outstanding results of implementing this project in the past year?

The Vietnamese Language Honoring Day is a breakthrough project, aiming to concretize the Party and State’s policies on Vietnamese language work. The implementation of the Project in 2023 with practical activities has recorded positive results, laying the foundation for the implementation in the years to come.

The first good thing is that activities to honor Vietnamese in 2023 of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs have been given due attention to and participated by ministries, departments, sectors, and representative agencies, representatives of overseas Vietnamese, Vietnamese associations and individuals on all continents. We have implemented many meaningful activities on a large scale, both domestically and internationally. Some can be named as offering professional training courses on Vietnamese language teaching for overseas Vietnamese teachers; pilot project to form a Vietnamese bookshelf and providing books to serve the community in countries such as Japan, Austria, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, Qatar. We have also coordinated and supported the building of a website to teach Vietnamese for overseas Vietnamese by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Program “Hello Vietnamese” and “Vietnam Imprint” by Vietnam Television (VTV4)… In many countries, overseas Vietnamese communities have actively coordinated with the Government of Vietnam to organize activities in response to the Day of Honoring Vietnamese Language such as establishing specialized Vietnamese Language Committees within the associations; opening new schools or expanding existing schools and classes of Vietnamese teaching and learning; establishing the Forum “Preserving the Vietnamese Language Abroad”; organizing seminars, discussions... sharing experiences on Vietnamese teaching and learning methods. Especially, Vietnamese Envoys contest was held for the first time, receiving a good response from overseas Vietnamese. Five Envoys who had many achievements and contributions to cultural promotion, inspiration, and motivation to study and use Vietnamese abroad were selected. The series of activities on the Day of Honoring Vietnamese Language were highlighted with the Vietnamese Gala Program on September 8, 2023, an elaborately choreographed art program aimed at honoring the Vietnamese language and reviewing the work on Vietnamese language in recent time.

It can be seen that these diverse activities have initially created a playground and an exchange environment for overseas Vietnamese; created opportunities to improve Vietnamese language skills, especially for the younger generation born abroad; at the same time, they have promoted national pride and love for the homeland, contributing to strengthening national unity through connecting the network of overseas Vietnamese associations, thereby spreading the beauty of national language and culture.

What will be the focus of the work on overseas Vietnamese in the coming time?

In the coming time, overseas Vietnamese work needs to be implemented more strongly and comprehensively according to the requirements of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Conclusion 12 of the Politburo, placing an emphasis on the following tasks: Firstly, focus on researching, monitoring, and grasping the situation of the overseas Vietnamese community to promptly advise and propose to the Party and State to promulgate, amend, supplement, and complete policies related to overseas Vietnamese. Focus on effectively implementing guidelines and policies related to overseas Vietnamese, ensuring synchronization and consistency from central to local, from inside to outside. Secondly, raise awareness and sense of responsibility in implementing the policy of great national unity for overseas Vietnamese. Focus on advocacy work towards young overseas Vietnamese, core forces, reputable and influential people in the community. Persistently mobilize overseas Vietnamese who still have prejudices so that they can feel secure towards the Fatherland, perceive and act in accordance with national and people’s interests. Thirdly, focus on taking care of and investing resources in supporting overseas Vietnamese. Consolidate and further promote the role of overseas Vietnamese associations, so that these associations truly become the nucleus, have prestige, and great influence to gather, support, and develop an increasingly united and strong community oriented towards the homeland. Fourthly, promote the mobilization of overseas Vietnamese resources to contribute to the country’s development through improving the mechanism for receiving, processing, responding, applying and effectively promoting initiatives and ideas of overseas Vietnamese; promote activities, conferences and seminars to connect Vietnamese businessmen and intellectuals with the country; promote the resources and role of overseas Vietnamese in enhancing national position and strengthening cooperative and friendly relations between Vietnam and other countries. Fifthly, promote community support in teaching and learning Vietnamese, preserving national cultural identity. Strengthen information work for overseas Vietnamese in the direction of innovation in content and form, with widespread influence in the overseas Vietnamese community.

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