Over 6 million children receive free vitamin A doses on June 1-2

More than 6 million Vietnamese children aged from 6-59 months across the country received free high-dose vitamin A pills on June 1-2.

This was part of the activities organized for Vietnam Micronutrient Day (June 1) about Vietnamese children, which aimed at reducing the rate of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in children in the country.

Over 6 million children receive free vitamin A doses on June 1-2
A child receives a free high-dose vitamin A pill. (Source: VNA)

Over the past years, Vietnam has successfully launched several vitamin A supplement campaigns with the rate of children receiving high-dose vitamin A pills topping 98 per cent. The efforts have helped Vietnam eradicate blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency and improved public awareness about micro-nutrients.

Deputy Minister of Health Does Xuan Tuyen requested sectors and departments to popularise communication campaigns to strengthen the community's awareness, especially among mothers, of micronutrient deficiencies.

Besides, departments of health of provinces and cities have been asked to implement the campaign with professional instructions, ensuring a sufficient number of drugs, hygiene, and safety for children.

In 2024, children from 6-59 months in 31 provinces and cities having high stunted growth rates will be given free vitamin A supplements. The national drive will also provide vitamin A capsules for children from 6-35 months in the remaining 32 cities and provinces, and children at risk of micronutrient deficiency.

The distribution of vitamin A supplements has become an annual activity at 11,000 wards and communes nationwide, benefiting nearly 1 million under-five children each year.

According to the National Nutrition Census conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) in 2020, the rate of child malnutrition across the country had decreased rapidly and sustainably, of which the rate of underweight malnutrition decreased from 33.8 per cent in 2000 to 14.1 per cent in 2015 and 11.6 per cent in 2020.

Providing micronutrient supplements for high-risk groups such as children and new mothers is a fast and timely measure to reduce the situation of micronutrient deficiency. Medium-term measures such as adding micronutrient supplements to essential foods, and long-term, sustainable measures such as adding perse food products to daily meals are being taken to solve the problem of micronutrient deficiency in Vietnam.

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Sức mạnh của 6 loại vitamin đối với gan

(Source: VNA)