Cindy Hanh Chu - contest producer for women

Cindy Hanh Chu is the Director of MC Media - a unit with many years of experience organizing beauty contests and reality television in Vietnam and is also known as a judge of many beauty and fashion contests.

Making dreams come true

If she had chosen the peaceful path, Cindy Hanh Chu would probably still be a pharmacist in the army, following her family's direction. But there has always been a smouldering fire in the Hanoi girl's deep inside her mind, with a gentle appearance and seemingly simple, long, loose hair. That is the desire to overcome prejudice and the stability of a civil servant family to satisfy my passion for the media industry with a lot of pressure.

Cindy Hanh Chu - Representative of the production unit, spoke at the Miss Vietnam Culture and Tourism Press Conference.
Cindy Hanh Chu - Representative of the production unit, spoke at the Miss Vietnam Culture and Tourism Press Conference.

At over 30 years old, Cindy Hanh Chu decided to go beyond her comfort zone, leave her stable job to become CEO of MC Media Company and venture into providing communication solutions for businesses. Initially, exploiting her strengths as a pharmacist, she accepted to produce programs related to pharmaceutical products because this is also a problematic "niche" for non-believers. With the spirit of eagerness to learn and the boldness to come up with many unique ideas, making a difference with products and services, MC Media has gradually been trusted by customers, building a quality customer network like PNJ., Bcare, Rocmen…

Cindy Hanh Chu - contest producer for women
Cindy Hanh Chu - Representing the production unit to speak at the program "Brilliant Youth" for students.

The first step is to produce individual product advertising programs, which is also a premise to help her accumulate experience and aim for large-scale future projects. With enthusiasm, effort and adventure, programs requiring high professionalism and cooperation from models and stylists, both domestic and international, have been successful. These programs organized by MC Media have been introduced and then highly appreciated by experts, such as The Best Style Awards, Fashion Runway Spring and Summer 2021...

Cindy Hanh Chu as a producer.
Cindy Hanh Chu as a producer.

Sharing the secret for a newcomer to dare to organize a relatively complicated program, Cindy Hanh Chu happily said: "First of all, you must be passionate about fashion, love beauty, and love child models" from there came the idea of a large-scale, quality show. That love is big enough that I don't feel bothered when I have to spend too much time and effort to convince and make reasonable arrangements with people who are always busy and moving around to get together and do well together show".

Furthermore, it would be best to accept the loss of economic benefits when making art. Each person loses more or less. In return, MC Media earned huge profits from the love of child models, parents of fellow models, and professionals. Cindy Hanh Chu still cherishes the opportunity to live more times and contribute to such meaningful programs.

Cindy Hanh Chu to adress at the DJ Star 2022 Press Conference
Cindy Hanh Chu to adress at the DJ Star 2022 Press Conference

Become a production unit of beauty contests

Cindy Hanh Chu, a beauty lover, is often trusted as a judge and producer of beauty contests and reality TV shows. Cindy Hanh Chu has continuously received invitations from organizations and associations to cooperate for many years. Accordingly, MC Media became the producer of many competitions such as: Vietnam Yoga Queen; Miss Vietnam Japan (Miss Sake); Reality TV show DJ Star Vietnam 2022. And most recently, the program Miss Culture and Tourism 2024.

Cindy Hanh Chu gave flowers to participating units.
Cindy Hanh Chu gave flowers to participating units.

In the face of the explosion of beauty contests, Cindy Hanh Chu remains steadfast in her chosen path, creating contests for women that are not simply beauty contests, but also emphasize and promote quality, Intellectual beauty is hidden deep inside every Vietnamese girl. Cindy Hanh Chu herself always believes that no matter what stage they are in, women always want to be recognized and honoured by society for their beauty and talent. The community must respect that legitimate need and encourage women to become more perfect, beautiful and talented.

Cindy Hanh Chu at the Miss Sake contest.
Cindy Hanh Chu at the Miss Sake contest.

Being able to do what she likes and striving to become a better version of herself yesterday, Cindy Hanh Chu inspires young girls still wondering about life's threshold. Just like what Cindy Hanh Chu shared: "Maybe I was born with a hard-working nature and always want to challenge myself. Therefore, I always try my best and be creative in my work. The more difficult the task, the more I want to do it. Just trying my best like that, so whether the work results are successful or fail, I still feel like I have succeeded. Success here is because I am better than yesterday because I tried my best, so there is nothing left to regret."

Cindy Hanh Chu – This is me!
Miss Tourism Vietnam 2024 contest kicks off