Amnesty marks the beginning of the path toward rehabilitation: Deputy Foreign Minister

WVR - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet, a member of the Central Amnesty Advisory Council, attended and delivered a speech at the ceremony to announce the President’s Amnesty decision for 2024 at Thanh Cam Prison (Cam Thuy District, Thanh Hoa Province) on October 1, 2024.
Các đại biểu tham dự Lễ công bố quyết định của Chủ tịch nước về đặc xá năm 2024 tại Trại giam Thanh Cẩm.
Delegates at the ceremony to announce the President’s amnesty decision for 2024 at Thanh Cam Prison, Cam Thuy District, Thanh Hoa Province on October 1. (Photo: WVR)

The ceremony was attended by representatives from the Department of Prison Management, Ministry of Public Security; the People's Court, People's Procuracy, and Thanh Hoa Provincial Police, along with the Prison’s Management board, inmate representatives, and families of those granted amnesty in 2024.

In his remarks, Deputy Minister Do Hung Viet congratulated the inmates of Thanh Cam Prison who received amnesty this time.

He noted that in 2024, on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Hanoi, on July 30, General Secretary and President To Lam signed Decision No. 758 on Amnesty for 2024.

After thorough and serious work by the Amnesty Advisory Council and relevant agencies, on September 29, the General Secretary and President decided to grant early release to 3,763 inmates currently serving prison sentences and to two individuals whose sentences were temporarily suspended. Among these, Thanh Cam Prison saw 38 cases granted amnesty.

Deputy Minister Do Hung Viet highly appreciated the efforts of the units involved, particularly the Ministry of Public Security’s C10 Department and Thanh Cam Prison, for implementing the 2024 amnesty process diligently, and fully, and ensuring the rights of inmates.

Thứ trưởng Ngoại giao Đỗ Hùng Việt phát biểu tại sự kiện.
Deputy Minister Do Hung Viet speaks at the event. (Photo: WVR)

In his speech to those granted amnesty, Deputy Minister Do Hung Viet emphasized that amnesty is only the beginning of the path toward rehabilitation, a journey that will include many challenges ahead.

Therefore, he stressed that those granted amnesty should cherish this precious opportunity, decisively break away from their past, and strive to become better citizens, worthy of the clemency policies of the Party and the State.

The Deputy Minister also encouraged inmates who were not granted amnesty this time to remain steadfast in their efforts, comply with laws and prison regulations, and actively study and work toward rehabilitation to qualify for clemency policies, such as sentence reduction or early release.

Speaking at the ceremony, Colonel Dam Minh Phong, Director of Thanh Cam Prison, stated that the 38 inmates granted amnesty had made significant efforts in studying, working, and rehabilitating during their sentences.

According to Colonel Dam Minh Phong, in this year’s amnesty, following the instructions of the Ministry of Public Security, the Prison’s Management board implemented various measures to help the amnestied inmates reintegrate into society, such as assisting with identity card issuance, providing travel allowances, and issuing 4G SIM cards.

Thứ trưởng Đỗ Hùng Việt: Đặc xá khởi đầu con đường hướng thiện cho người từng lầm lỡ
Deputy Minister Do Hung Viet emphasizes that amnesty is only the beginning of the path toward rehabilitation, a journey that will include many challenges ahead. (Photo: WVR)

Representatives of the amnestied inmates also expressed their joy and gratitude for the clemency policies of the Party and State, pledging to comply with the law strictly and showing determination to overcome difficulties and rise above their past mistakes to reunite with their families and society.

The 2024 amnesty is the third under the Amnesty Law of 2018. Historically, the State of Vietnam has conducted nearly 40 amnesty rounds, granting early release to tens of thousands of inmates who have returned to their families and communities. Most of those granted amnesty have worked hard to reintegrate into society, quickly stabilizing their lives, with the rate of recidivism being very low.

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Translated by Hien