Admiring the actual scene of the filming set of Song of the South

"Song of the South" - a beautiful and unique movie version is released, the setting of the most significant - most majestic Tra Su Melaleuca Forest consuming the most brainpower in the film is attracting the attention of art enthusiasts.

When the sweet melodies over time, childhood memories of many generations come rushing back:

"Tell someone to go to the Southern Land

Blue sky and white clouds illuminating the Mekong River

Immense cajuput forest, vast green coconut trees..."

And now, when "Song of the South" - a beautiful and unique movie version is released, the setting of the most significant - most majestic Tra Su Melaleuca Forest consuming the most brainpower in the film is attracting the attention of art enthusiasts.

Many tourists flock here to witness this film studio and enjoy the natural beauty and Western cuisine during flood season. Only in Tra Su does the "forest quality" exude the same tone as in the original novel by writer Doan Gioi.

Nơi có chiếc cầu tre xuyên rừng dài nhất Việt Nam
The longest bamboo bridge through the forest in Vietnam.

Human art

Tra Su Melaleuca Forest has the shape and form of a culture, maintains the majestic natural landscape, and preserves a vast "ecosystem" treasure unique to flooded forests in the Southern region. Tra Su also magically transforms into scenes according to the time of day. Bright green in the morning is green and turns yellow under the bright sun; in the afternoon, it is dyed pink at sunset. Admiring such unique scenery, we can fully feel the magic of the green forest.

In addition to aesthetic and artistic values, the film "Song of the South" also carries many layers of meaning, conveying a historical period reflecting the real life and social style at that time and portraying the lives of those oppressed, oppressed, miserable, and then living a life of poverty, typical of An, a boy who lived in kindness, constantly receiving the love and care of his fellow citizens.

Chợ nổi - nếp văn hóa đặc thù miệt sông nước
Floating market - a unique culture on the river.

The film has just been released and has consumed a lot of ink in the press, with many reviews and comments depending on each audience's viewpoint, perspective, and emotional aspect. Inheriting and promoting from the television version, creative accents create new and attractive points but retain a rustic and authentic countryside feel.

Xóm chợ nổi hiện lên không khí tấp nập người dân buôn bán
The floating market village - crowded with traders.

The climactic dialogues are very emotional, touching the patriotism in the audience's hearts. The strengths of cinema, such as images, sound, music and majestic settings, are exploited to the maximum and effectively. Sometimes, filmmakers must put in a lot of effort to get a light touch on the audience's hearts!

Các “ghe bầu” ở chợ nổi áp lại gần các xuồng nhỏ để bán hàng
The "wooden barge" at the floating market approaching the small boats to sell goods.

Tra Su - attraction has never cooled down

Unintentionally, Tra Su Melaleuca Forest's beautiful charm resonated with this film's heat, raising artistic values to new heights. A bit of nostalgia, quiet antiquity, and a bit of "old scent" adorn the backdrop of the green Melaleuca forest.

Cất vó bên sông
Fishing by the river.

Standing on the "Kieu Bridge", you can see far away to capture golden historical memories, signs named Vinh Tuong Cloth Shop, Kim Sang Gold Shop, stalls made of bamboo and a few other items. Boats in the floating market in the movie... Some props include fish hooves, stone mills, shopping carts, clay pots, stone bowls... All are kept as a mark of a creative work of art in Vietnamese movies.

The green canal running as far as the eye can see is where the floating market occurs. The peaceful river is also the home of fishermen who live adventurous lives, floating along the water to make a living.

Khách duyên dáng trong tà áo bà ba, khăn rằn.
Charming guests in three-piece dresses and bandanas.

Escaping the movie role and returning to real life, there is a peaceful and transparent Tra Su, an excellent green space emanating from the deep forest with the gentle scent of Melaleuca flowers. Adventure along the water flowing into the woods, leisurely sit on the dinghy to admire the floating landscape, the clouds drifting indifferently, admire the poetic pink lotus pond in the corner of Tra Su sky.

Du khách thích thú tự trải nghiệm chèo xuồng
Tourists enjoy canoeing themselves.

The sounds of the wilderness are paddles and birds singing, sometimes lyrical, sometimes releasing deep, fluttering notes. The nameless harmony and gentle rhythmic movements will surely make visitors feel moved by this enchanting scene. In the distance, the pale rays of sunlight on That Son range slowly fell over the entire forest like a soft, graceful golden cup.

Cá linh đặc sản miền tây.
Linh fish is a Western speciality.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Tra Su Melaleuca Forest is beautiful and unique. Therefore, visitors should admire the beautiful natural landscape and enjoy the magical vitality amid the clean weather. And don't forget to enjoy the sweet cuisine of local grasslands with rustic dishes such as snails, frogs, eels, hamsters, and flexible fish hotpot... conquering the hearts of tourists from all over.

Tra Su Melaleuca Forest: Where love and mystery blend

Tra Su Melaleuca Forest: Where love and mystery blend
The captivating beauty of the green paradise

The captivating beauty of the green paradise 'the 7th art zone'