Tong Lien Anh: Deep within each individual lies the most exquisite treasure

“I have unwavering faith in the boundless potential of human beings - a potential that unfolds and flourishes through lifelong learning. This odyssey is not solely shaped by external factors such as the environment and macro policies but is also deeply rooted in the autonomy of each individual.”
Tong Lien  Anh: Deep within each individual lies the most exquisite treasure
Tong Lien Anh and Compassion Books - House of Wisdom program representatives received the Award at the U.S. Library of Congress headquarters, Washington D.C.
You are often hailed by the impressive moniker “The Chosen One.” Your steadfast dedication has aided numerous organizations and localities in Vietnam to attain the highest international honors in lifelong learning and literacy promotion, including UNESCO’s International Literacy Prizes, the U.S. Library of Congress Literacy Awards, and membership in UNESCO’s Learning City network..., do you perceive these international accolades as a testament to your destiny?

I hold the belief that destiny intertwines with every aspect of life. It’s not merely chance but a fusion of myriad elements. When I first learned about the UNESCO prizes and the Library of Congress awards, I was astounded by the absence of Vietnamese names on those prestigious lists. At that moment, I thought, “Vietnam must be represented here!”

To me, an international prize or award signifies more than just a national honor or a recognition of the efforts and dedication of the awarded entity. It presents many opportunities for expanding activities, enhancing influence, attracting collaboration opportunities, and securing domestic and international resources to support lifelong education endeavors for all robustly.

This aspiration has propelled me to discover organizations and individuals who wholeheartedly serve the community, and fortunately, they have entrusted me with the mission of “The Chosen One.” I am deeply grateful for being able to contribute my modest part to the collective endeavors of thousands of dedicated individuals, all working together to craft a brighter future for our nation.

Tong Lien  Anh: Deep within each individual lies the most exquisite treasure
Tong Lien Anh has unwavering faith in the boundless potential of human beings—a potential that unfolds and flourishes through lifelong learning.

You have left an indelible mark as a policymaker, a social activist, a translator, a speaker... It seems you are adept at multitasking, assuming multiple roles in diverse fields?

At first glance, I may be a “jack of all trades” (laughs). However, up to this point, all the roles I have embraced and all the fields I have contributed to... all orbit around a singular axis: lifelong learning.

During my tenure at the Ministry of Education and Training, I actively advised on formulating and implementing policies to build a learning society. As a social activist, I collaborated in distributing books to remote areas and contributed to the establishment of lifelong learning hubs across the nation. As a speaker, I advocate for a culture of reading, self-studying, and personal development. As a translator, I translate the book named... “The Lifelong learner”! “Lifelong learning” is the common thread that binds them all!

I resonate with Santiago, the shepherd in Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist,” who perceives every encounter and experience as a stepping stone toward realizing the dream of uncovering his life’s “treasure.” My dream is to champion lifelong learning in Vietnamese society, enabling individuals to unearth the “treasure” within themselves. Thus, I am steadfastly dedicated to this objective irrespective of the role or the individual I encounter.

What compels you to advocate for lifelong learning in Vietnamese society persistently?

I have unwavering faith in the boundless potential of human beings—a potential that unfolds and flourishes through lifelong learning. This odyssey is not solely shaped by external factors such as the environment and macro policies but is also deeply rooted in the autonomy of each individual.

During conversations with students, I often field inquiries about the ultimate purpose of learning: to secure “a lucrative career, a stable life?” Many perceive “Learning to know” and “Learning to do” as everything when it comes to education, inadvertently overlooking the importance of “Learning to live together”—not only with fellow humans but also with nature and the myriad beings that inhabit our world.

Lastly, the cornerstone of lifelong learning lies in “Learning to be.” Humans often find themselves adrift, grappling with existential crises, and enduring anguish due to their inability to discern the meaning of their existence. Continuous learning serves as a beacon, guiding us toward elucidating our values, beliefs, self-awareness, and self-understanding. Osho’s profound insight resonates deeply with me: Humans yearn to explore distant realms - the depths of the ocean or the far-flung planets - yet they shy away from delving inward to explore themselves. Lifelong learning serves as a conduit, propelling us outward while facilitating introspective journeys. It is a path paved with knowledge, empowering individuals to master both the external world and the rich tapestry of their inner selves.

Tong Lien  Anh: Deep within each individual lies the most exquisite treasure
Tong Lien Anh's sharing with Nghia Duong Karate's students.

As we celebrate women on March 8th, could you share about a female role model who has profoundly influenced your personal development journey? Additionally, do you have any words to impart to half of our global population on this occasion?

I deeply admire ordinary women who have been close to me, namely my mother and my older sister. My mother epitomizes unparalleled resilience, triumphing over chronic illness and the harsh vicissitudes of life to seize each day with renewed vigor. She imparted the invaluable lesson of fortitude in the face of adversity.

Similarly, my older sister has been instrumental in shaping my perspective, elucidating that life’s greatest treasures are not unearthed through extraordinary feats but through the cumulative effect of small, persistent efforts—much like water sculpting stone over time. She instilled in me the virtues of embracing the sunshine and the rain, even weathering storms on the path toward my aspirations.

Tong Lien  Anh: Deep within each individual lies the most exquisite treasure

Moreover, my daughter has left an indelible imprint on my soul. One day, while perusing the pages of “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women,” she remarked, “Mom, this book features amazing women from around the world, but none from Vietnam. Perhaps you’ll be the first Vietnamese woman to grace its pages.” I carry her words with me on every journey, a constant reminder to persevere and strive to be worthy of the love and pride she bestows upon me.

On this particular occasion, I offer no words exclusively for women. Instead, I wish for every woman to experience each day as a “regular day with a touch of the extraordinary”: to live intensely, to love wholeheartedly, and regardless of age, to retain the youthful exuberance within their souls - to remain ever curious, eager to explore, and receptive to the wondrous marvels that life has to offer!

Thank you very much!

Translating books and traveling - A journey of self-discovery: Translator Tong Lien Anh
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