NA deputies scrutinise draft amended social insurance law at 7th session

WVR/VNA - National Assembly (NA) deputies spend the entire day of May 27 to discuss contentious contents of the draft amended social insurance law.
NA deputies scrutinise draft amended social insurance law at 7th session
NA deputies scrutinise draft amended social insurance law at 7th session:Chairwoman of the NA Committee for Social Affairs Nguyen Thuy Anh presents a report at the working session. (Photo: VNA)

In the morning discussion, many deputies laid emphasis on ensuring the rights of labourers amidst the increase in evasion, late payment and of social insurance premium payment, late payment and debts.

Le Thi Danh Lam, a deputy from the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang, proposed the bill contain specific regulations on the responsibility of inspection of social insurance collection and payment.

She suggested that the Government can assign the social insurance sector to inspect the collection and payment of social insurance premiums and punish or conduct lawsuits against violators. She also opined that the Government should require enterprises to establish a social insurance reserve fund in order to ensure health insurance, social insurance, unemployment insurance, and work accident insurance coverage for their employees.

Vuong Thi Huong Giang from the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang, said the bill needs to clearly stipulate the role and responsibility of State management agencies and enforcement forces to prevent social insurance payment evasion and delay, while stepping up the communications work in this regard.

The legislators also looked into lump-sum payout of benefits for labourers who have paid social insurance premiums for less than 20 years.

For the replace of “base salary” with “reference salary,” the NA Standing Committee asked the Government to pay attention to impact assessment and the principles for determining the reference level.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)