Australia announces additional support for Viet Nam’s human resource development

On October 22, the Australian Embassy in Viet Nam and Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) launched the second Phase of the Viet Nam-Australia Human Resource Development program (Aus4Skills), valued up to AUD 50.1 million from 2021 to 2025.
Australia announces additional support for Viet Nam’s human resource development
HE. Ms. Robyn Mudie, Australian Ambassador and Assoc Prof Nguyen Van Phuc, MOET Deputy Minister launch Aus4Skills Phase 2.

Through the program, the Australian Government will offer Australia Awards Scholarships for Vietnamese citizens to undertake fully-funded studies at Australian universities, deliver Australian alumni professional development activities and grants that support Viet Nam’s development, and implement higher education capacity-building activities with university leaders.

“Viet Nam and Australia continue to be strategic partners in education and training, which is essential to our human resource development and economic goals. We are thankful for Australia’s continued support for Viet Nam’s education priorities and sustainable socio-economic growth,” said H.E. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Phuc, Deputy Minister of MOET.

“Australia’s Aus4Skills program remains highly relevant to supporting Viet Nam’s future human resource development priorities, especially as it navigates the challenges presented by COVID-19. Over the decades, education has created many enduring partnerships between Vietnamese and Australian people and organisations. Through these partnerships, Australians and Vietnamese have contributed to Viet Nam’s continued socio-economic development across a wide range of priority sectors, such as governance and economic growth, infrastructure and transport, water and sanitation, education, gender equality, and agriculture and rural development,” said H.E. Ms. Robyn Mudie, Australian Ambassador to Viet Nam.

From 2016 to 2021, over 105,000 Vietnamese students have benefitted from improved teaching, curriculum and management supported by Australia’s Aus4Skills program.

Some of the program’s many results include funding 240 Australia Awards Scholarships for Vietnamese citizens to study at Australian universities; delivering over $1m in grant funding for 95 Australian alumni-led development projects in Viet Nam; running 162 professional development events attended by over 7,500 Australian alumni in Viet Nam; strengthening the teaching practices of 339 Vietnamese university and vocational education and training (VET) lecturers; partnering logistics businesses and VET colleges to improve logistics workforce skills and training; renewing 147 VET and university course curricula; generating 11 formal partnerships between Australian and Vietnamese universities and VET colleges; and supporting improved gender equality training for over 59,000 Vietnamese government officials.

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