Vietnam’s path forward, relations with the United States, and vision for the new era

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam on September 23 morning (local time) visited and delivered a policy speech at Columbia University in New York as part of his trip to the US to attend the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79).
Policy address by H.E. To Lam, General Secretary, President of the S.R. Viet Nam at Columbia University
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam delivers a policy speech at Columbia University in New York. (Source: VNA)

Following is full text of policy speech delivered by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam at Columbia University in New York:

Ms. Angela Oliento, Provost of Columbia University,

Ms. Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies,

Distinguished professors, faculty, esteemed students and honored guests,

Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to Columbia University for the invitation to address the World Leaders Forum. This opportunity coincides with my high-level Vietnamese delegation's attendance at the Summit of the Future, the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and several bilateral programs in the United States.

Columbia University, with its illustrious 270-year history, stands as a pillar of academic excellence in America. Your institution has cultivated remarkable individuals who have shaped our world, including 4 U.S. Presidents, 2 United Nations Secretaries-General, 103 Nobel laureates, and numerous outstanding scientists. It's noteworthy that many Columbia alumni now hold key leadership and senior management positions in Vietnam. I deeply appreciate Columbia University's significant contributions to Vietnam's development and the strengthening of Vietnam-U.S. relations.

This moment presents a unique opportunity to share Vietnam's forward trajectory, the evolving Viet Nam-U.S. relationship, and our vision for the future. For Vietnam, we are entering a crucial phase in our journey towards becoming a developed nation by mid-century. The Vietnam-U.S. relationship is approaching significant milestones: the 30th anniversary of normalized relations and the 50th anniversary of the War's end in 2025. Concurrently, the world is entering a new era shaped by profound changes, both cyclical - structural, and disruptive driven by unprecedented scientific and technological advancements, particularly in artificial intelligence and digital technology.

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


After nearly 80 years of nation-building and almost 40 years of Doi Moi/Reform, under the comprehensive leadership of the Communist Party, Viet Nam embarks on a new historical journey, entering the new era of national ascent. The significant achievements of historical importance from the Reform process serve as a foundation for the Vietnamese people to confidently embrace the future.

The remarkable achievements we've accomplished derive from the judicious path chosen under the Communist Party's leadership, bolstered by the entire nation's effort and determination. Overcoming numerous challenges, transitioning from a nation once enslaved and ravaged by war, Viet Nam has regained its independence and now establishes itself as a dynamic and rapidly growing economy. Its economic scale and trade volume rank among the top globally, and by 2023, the economy had grown 96-fold compared to 1986. The United Nations recognizes Vietnam as a remarkable example of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. From isolation, Vietnam now maintains diplomatic relations with 194 countries and has established strategic and comprehensive partnerships with all major powers and five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Furthermore, Vietnam actively participates in ASEAN and over 70 regional and international organizations, engaging in trade with 224 markets worldwide.

With a spirit of independence and a mindset of self-reliance, resilience, confidence, and national pride, all 100 million Vietnamese citizens, along with over 6 million compatriots abroad, are committed to realizing President Ho Chi Minh's long-held vision: to build a Viet Nam that is 'more dignified and grander,' standing 'shoulder to shoulder with powerful nations across the five continents.' In this new era, Vietnam's top priority is to achieve the two centennial goals outlined by the 13th National Party Congress, aiming for a nation characterized by 'prosperous people, a strong nation, and a democratic, equitable, and progressive society.'

Vietnam's development path is deeply intertwined with global trends and the progress of human civilization. The Vietnamese tradition emphasizes that ‘prosperity is nurtured through the bonds of friendship.' Achieving our ambitious goals requires genuine international solidarity, valuable support, and effective cooperation from the global community. Our success is yours. We will continue our reform process, embrace openness, and pursue comprehensive international integration. Vietnam seeks to remain a stable, reliable, and attractive destination for foreign investors, businesses, and tourists. The key to escaping the middle-income trap lies in fostering innovation, harnessing national unity, and integrating national capabilities with contemporary power.

In a rapidly changing world, one constant in Vietnam is the pursuit of an independent and self-reliant foreign policy emphasizing multilateralism and diversification. Viet Nam positions itself as a friend, a reliable partner, and an active, responsible member of the international community. We believe development is impossible without peace. Upholding our nation's tradition of peace, friendship, and 'benevolence over aggression,' Viet Nam steadfastly adheres to its 'Four Nos' defense policy, advocating for the peaceful resolution of disputes based on the UN Charter and international law, and opposing unilateral actions, power politics, and the use or threat of force in international relations.

Viet Nam has consistently demonstrated its commitment to the international community's common goals through proactive and constructive contributions. The United Nations recognizes Vietnam as a leader in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite numerous challenges, Vietnam remains committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Over the past decade, Vietnamese peacekeepers have significantly impacted various United Nations missions in African countries, contributing to international peace and security while supporting local communities in their daily lives. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to our U.S. partners for their effective cooperation and support in helping Viet Nam fulfill its important international commitments.

With our nation's new strength and position, Vietnam is determined to pursue its new-era diplomacy, ready to contribute proactively and positively to global politics, the world economy, and the advancement of humanity. In collaboration with friends and partners, we aim to tackle urgent global challenges such as climate change, food security, health security, and water security, fostering a fair and equitable international order grounded in the UN Charter and international law.


Professors and students,

In a world rife with instability and numerous local conflicts, we increasingly recognize the importance of goodwill and cooperation, which transformed Vietnam and the United States from former adversaries into the comprehensive strategic partners we are today.

Nearly 80 years ago, in the Declaration of Independence on September 2, 1945, marking the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, President Ho Chi Minh quoted the timeless words from the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776 regarding equality and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. From the very beginning, President Ho Chi Minh expressed Vietnam's aspiration for 'full cooperation' with the U.S. through eight letters and telegrams to President Harry Truman between 1945 and 1946.

Due to historical twists, it took another 50 years for Vietnam and the United States to normalize relations. However, few could have envisioned the remarkable progress over the past nearly 30 years. From former adversaries, the two countries have transformed into partners, comprehensive partners, and now comprehensive strategic partners. Since normalizing relations, numerous Vietnamese leaders have visited the United States, notably the historic visit by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in July 2015. Likewise, every U.S. president since normalization has visited Vietnam, with President Joe Biden doing so in September 2023. Cooperation across politics, diplomacy, economic and trade relations, defense and security, addressing war legacies, education and training, and people-to-people exchanges has achieved significant progress. Notably, our people-to-people links and educational collaboration have become increasingly vibrant. Currently, approximately 30,000 Vietnamese students are studying in the United States, including those from Columbia University here today.

The thriving progress of the ties between our two countries, entering a new chapter, is largely due to the compassion and benevolence of the Vietnamese people and the visionary leadership of the Viet Nam Communist Party, committed to integrating Viet Nam into the international mainstream. Additionally, significant contributions have been made by American friends and partners, such as President Bill Clinton and his successors, Senators John McCain, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, and many others. I particularly want to highlight the robust bipartisan support in the United States for the Viet Nam-U.S. relations. This support is a key foundation for deepening and solidifying our comprehensive strategic partnership sustainably and substantively in the future.


Professors and students,

The elevation of Viet Nam-U.S. relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development highlights the mutual benefits this relationship brings to our peoples and its positive contribution to peace, cooperation, and development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Reflecting on the future trajectory of Viet Nam and the success of Viet Nam-U.S. relations, I would like to share some thoughts on envisioning a better shared future for all humanity:

First, it is essential to affirm and promote healing, mutual respect, and understanding. The bond between our two countries today has been forged through sustained efforts by both Viet Nam and the United States to encourage healing and mutual understanding, while respecting each other's legitimate interests. At the core of this relationship is a profound respect for each nation's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political systems.

Policy address by H.E. To Lam, General Secretary, President of the S.R. Viet Nam at Columbia University
Vietnam’s top leader mentioned the path towards the era of Vietnam's ascendance at Columbia University. (Source: VNA)

Demonstrating the Vietnamese people's peace, friendship, and tolerant traditions, we have actively worked to heal the wounds of war. Even before the normalization of relations, Viet Nam took the initiative—independently searching for American servicemen missing in action (MIA) for 15 years before the United States began collaborative efforts with Viet Nam. This cooperation in addressing war legacies has set the stage for reconciliation, normalization, trust-building, and deepening relations between our countries. This remains crucial in the years ahead as the lingering impacts of war are still deeply felt, particularly in Vietnam.

From this valuable lesson, it is clear that for any relationship to thrive, all parties must deepen their understanding of each other's history, culture, people, and political and socio-economic systems. Thus, I commend the Viet Nam Studies Program at Columbia University and the recent collaborative agreement between the university and Vin University. More broadly, I believe that if nations strive to understand and respect each other's legitimate interests, while collaboratively building trust, our world will become more peaceful, with fewer conflicts. In this age of science and technology, we have new tools—such as digital platforms—to foster connections and enhance mutual understanding among nations.

Second, it is essential to emphasize and foster a culture of dialogue. Despite the significant progress in our relationship, Vietnam and the United States still have differing perspectives on human rights issues in economic, political, social, and religious fields. What is crucial, however, is our choice of dialogue over confrontation. We approach these discussions with openness, sincerity, and constructiveness.

I am confident that if countries facing conflicts or disputes prioritize peaceful solutions through dialogue grounded in international law, any complex issue can be resolved. Dialogue should become a prevailing practice and a foundational tool for our civilization.

Third, we must uphold a strong sense of responsibility toward the international community. Beyond the bilateral framework, Viet Nam-U.S. cooperation is increasingly taking on a regional and global dimension, particularly in addressing climate change, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, combating terrorism, and participating in United Nations peacekeeping efforts. These efforts contribute substantially to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide.

In the face of current global upheavals, it is essential for countries to take on responsibilities in their relations and pursuits of peace, cooperation, and development worldwide. While geostrategic competition exists, conflict does not have to be inevitable. Like other ASEAN members and nations in the Asia-Pacific region, Viet Nam hopes that all countries will collectively embrace their responsibilities to the future and human civilization. Together, we can significantly contribute to the maintenance of peace, stability, prosperity, cooperation, upholding the rule of law, and advancing multilateralism.

Fourth, we must always place people at the center. The achievements of the Vietnam-U.S. relationship today result from both sides acting in the interests of their citizens and responding to their aspirations.

As Vietnam continues its development, it remains committed to the ideal shared by President Ho Chi Minh and the founding leaders of the U.S.: to establish a government "of the people, by the people, for the people." The remarkable accomplishments Vietnam has achieved, including nearly 40 years of Doi moi reform, attest to the Communist Party's steadfast dedication to serving the people as its guiding principle and ultimate goal, remaining loyal to the interests of the nation and its citizens. People shape history, and this principle reflects a civilized mindset that serves as a universal value within the international community. Both ASEAN and the United Nations adhere to the principle of placing people at the center.

Fifth, unity and a forward-looking vision are imperative. In an era of profound global change, humanity must cultivate unprecedented solidarity and embrace a long-term perspective. No single nation, irrespective of its power, can tackle the common challenges of our time alone. This approach was clearly articulated at the United Nations' Summit of the Future.

Viet Nam's guiding principle is to set aside the past, focus on the future. While history is never to be forgotten, we refuse to let it hinder our progress today or in the future. This commitment is deeply rooted in the humanitarian traditions of the Vietnamese people and defines our foreign policy approach. I am confident that by prioritizing international solidarity and a forward-looking perspective, as exemplified by the success of Viet Nam-U.S. relations, we can transform the impossible into the possible, continuing to build a sustainable and flourishing civilization for all humanity.

Professors and students,

After nearly 30 years of normalization, the Viet Nam-U.S. relationship has made remarkable progress, surpassing even the most optimistic expectations. Looking ahead to the next 30 years, I am profoundly confident that, guided by the spirit of "Setting aside the past, overcoming differences, enhancing commonalities, and moving towards the future," as emphasized by the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Viet Nam-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development will reach even greater heights.

The Vietnam-U.S. Joint Statement of 2023 outlines ten key pillars of comprehensive cooperation. Our mission is to actively implement these areas, focusing particularly on core sectors such as economic, trade, and investment cooperation, and promoting inclusive economic growth driven by innovation. We must also prioritize breakthroughs in science, technology, and digital innovation.

In the near future, the global and regional landscape is likely to be characterized by complex and unpredictable changes, presenting both opportunities and challenges. It is encouraging, however, that peace, cooperation, and development remain dominant trends and common aspirations among nations. The core principles of the Viet Nam-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development align well with these overarching trends.

Professors and students,

Reflecting on the journey of the Vietnamese people, we are now more resolute, confident, and determined than ever to move forward. In this new era, marked by the rise of the Vietnamese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party, we are fully committed to realizing our national aspirations. As we move toward the future, Vietnam will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with our international friends and partners, sharing visions and coordinating actions to achieve the most noble goals for all of humanity.

Looking at the faces of the young people here today fills me with optimism and hope. Many of you may know that U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, a former student of Columbia University, once said, "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." Similarly, President Ho Chi Minh, the beloved leader of the Vietnamese people, consistently highlighted the importance of "cultivating people for a hundred years."

I hope that friends, partners, and communities in the United States will continue to strongly support the promotion of the Viet Nam-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, helping to write the next chapter of our success story and inspiring future generations. Our achievements will not only serve the best interests of the people in both countries but also increasingly contribute to peace, national independence, democracy, social progress, and the prosperous development of peoples in the region and worldwide.

Thank you.

Now, I would like to hear from you and discuss some of the topics that are of interest to you.

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