UNCLOS vital to safeguard the rights of ASEAN in East Sea: Malaysian website
The article emphasised that the UNCLOS 1982 is an important legal instrument to define issues relating to sovereignty, territorial waters and rights and obligations of a maritime state. This is the legal basis for coastal states to make maritime policies and develop corresponding legal documents.
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)'s ruling on the East Sea on July 12, 2016, the article reiterated the importance of the ruling that said China has no legal basis or historical claim for its nine-dash line.
The author of the article recommended that it is important for the international community and especially ASEAN countries to base their sovereignty claims in the East Sea on the UNCLOS and in line with the PCA's ruling.
The article also highlighted the role of ASEAN in settling disputes in the East Sea.
To ensure that the resources of the East Sea are used for the benefit of ASEAN states, it would be ideal for ASEAN countries to reach a firm political, military and economic agreement to respect each other's claims while jointly investing in the protection of the area for the benefit of all participating nations, it said.