The evolution and growth of Vietnam-U.S. relations is a unique chapter: top leader

General Secretary and State President of Vietnam To Lam delivered a speech at the ceremony commemorating the 1st anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership and toward the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the US in New York on September 22.

Speech by General Secretary and President Tô Lâm
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam speaks at the ceremony.

Following is full text of speech delivered by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam at the ceremony commemorating the 1st anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership and toward the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the US:

Mrs. Kang Kyung-wha, President and CEO of Asia Society,

Mr. John Kerry, a close friend of Vietnam,

Ambassadors and Heads of Foreign Missions in the United States,

American friends and Vietnamese compatriots in the United States,

Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the government and people of the United States for their generous support towards the people of Vietnam during the recent Typhoon Yagi. This timely and significant assistance has been invaluable during such challenging times.

Ladies and gentlemen,

On the occasion of my visit to the United States for the 79th United Nations General Assembly, I am delighted to meet you here today. I extend my sincere thanks to the Asia Society for hosting this event. The Asia Society is renowned for fostering mutual understanding between countries and cultures of Asia and the global community, contributing to shaping a shared future across diverse fields. Congratulations to the Society on its achievements, and thank you for being here today.

This special event marks the first anniversary of the Viet Nam-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership upgrade. It provides a moment to reflect on our shared journey and look forward to celebrating the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic relations in 2025.

History of Viet Nam-U.S. Relations

Ladies and gentlemen,

The evolution and growth of Vietnam-U.S. relations is a unique chapter in the annals of international relations. More than two centuries ago, despite the vast distance and limited technological advancements, our nations initiated their first engagements. Nearly 80 years ago, under the direct instruction of President Ho Chi Minh's, the Viet Nam League for Independence actively aided U.S. pilots during World War II. During the August Revolution, American friends stood as the only foreign allies alongside President Ho Chi Minh, witnessing the Proclamation of Independence on September 2, 1945, where Ho Chi Minh quoted the U.S. Declaration of Independence. A banner at Ba Dinh Square proudly read, “Welcome U.S. Delegation.”

In the early days of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh reached out to U.S. leaders through 14 letters, urging dialogue on Indochina and seeking support for the Vietnamese revolution. Particularly in a letter dated February 16, 1946, to President Truman, he expressed a strong desire for 'full cooperation' with the United States. However, historical circumstances did not allow this to happen with ease.

We endured 20 years of war, followed by another 20 years of frozen relations. Yet, thanks to the relentless efforts of leaders from both nations and the pivotal roles played by key figures, including 'icebreakers' like our dear friend John Kerry, who is present here today, Vietnamese Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet and U.S. President Bill Clinton officially normalized diplomatic relations on July 11, 1995.

Viet Nam-U.S. Relations Entering a New Chapter

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thirty years ago, even the most optimistic could hardly envision how Vietnam and the United States would transcend the scars of war to forge the robust, positive relationship we see today. From former adversaries to friends, we established a Comprehensive Partnership in 2013. Over a decade, we have made significant strides in mutual understanding and trust, fostering cooperation across all sectors. This strong foundation led General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Biden to upgrade our relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development. This milestone represents the pinnacle of reconciliation and bilateral advancement, a testament to decades of efforts to heal and build lasting trust by generations of leaders, government and congressional friends, and citizen of the two nations, including significant contributions from the Vietnamese community in the United States.

We honor the substantial contributions of late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, whose expansive strategic vision leveraged potentials and drove Viet Nam-U.S. relations to a chapter. Our bilateral relationship has indeed become a model for reconciliation and post-war relationship building in international relations.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, Vietnam and the United States stand as friends and comprehensive strategic partners, fulfilling President Ho Chi Minh's vision. Together, we build and strengthen our cooperative relations while addressing the legacy of war. This approach heals wounds—physical, emotional, and in the land. More importantly, it helps us build trust, a crucial foundation for ‘creating a bright vision together for the future of our bilateral relations, so that our two peoples and our descendants will always be good friends and partners,’ as General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated during his historic visit to the United States in 2015.

Viet Nam-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Towards the Future

Ladies and gentlemen,

The progress achieved by our two countries over the past year is indeed encouraging. However, the comprehensive framework of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership presents ample opportunities to further deepen and advance our bilateral relations in a stable and meaningful way, delivering greater benefits to both peoples and contributing to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and beyond.

As we approach the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam-U.S. diplomatic relations in 2025, and in line with the commitments made between the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Joe Biden, it is essential for our two countries to work closely together to effectively implement the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership framework. This should be pursued with mutual understanding, respect, and a forward-looking perspective, focusing on the following key areas:

First, we must continue strengthening political trust through engagements and exchanges between delegations at various channels and levels, especially at the high level.

Second, we should enhance cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, and investment, which are central and dynamic components of our bilateral relations, by creating a conducive environment for businesses from both sides.

Third, let's elevate our cooperation in science and technology, a pivotal area of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, to new heights. We should prioritize breakthroughs in emerging fields such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and green transformation. This initiative must also include a strong focus on training high-quality human resources, with particular emphasis on contributions from the younger generation of Vietnamese Americans and Vietnamese experts, researchers, and students in the United States.

Fourth, we must maintain a steady pace and effectively implement existing defense and security cooperation agreements, prioritizing the resolution of war legacy issues. This includes efforts to decontaminate dioxin, clear landmines in hotspots, support individuals with disabilities, and search for, recover, and identify the remains of fallen Vietnamese soldiers. Vietnam remains committed to fully cooperating with the United States in locating American servicemen missing in action.

Fifth, we should strengthen coordination and enhance our contributions to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. This involves highlighting the central role of ASEAN and further advancing the ASEAN-U.S. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the Mekong-U.S. Partnership. Additionally, we must enhance the effectiveness of our cooperation in addressing non-traditional security challenges such as climate change, cybersecurity, and water security.

Finally, we can bridge our differences by prioritizing dialogue, mutual support, and cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln once stated, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Over the past 30 years, we have collectively forged a historic milestone, serving as a model of international relations, much like a beautiful tapestry woven from the contributions and efforts of countless individuals, including many distinguished leaders and dedicated people whose names and faces remain unknown to us. Each action, no matter how small, is like a single thread. Woven together, these threads create an extraordinary vision for the future, leading to remarkable outcomes.

Thank you for your attention.

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