Spread reading culture: Meaningful initiatives during the 10th grade entrance exam in Nghe An province

WVR - The recent volunteer program "Exam support" through developing reading culture in Nghe An has made the 10th grade entrance exam less stressful.
CLB Sách và hành động lan toả văn hoá đọc đến phụ huynh.
The members of Books & Action Club spread reading culture to parents.

As the scorching summer sun beats down on central Vietnam, the 10th grade entrance exams have made the June days "hotter" than ever.

On June 5 and 6, 2024, Nghe An Province hosted the entrance exams for the 2024-2025 academic year, with over 44,000 candidates competing for spots in 69 public high schools.

At Thanh Chương 3 High school, more than 500 students took the exams, all determined to secure a place at their dream school.

To boost the morale of these candidates and ease the worries of their parents, several meaningful initiatives were introduced and sustained by the students. Among these was the "Exam support" volunteer program, which promoted the reading culture spearheaded by the Books & Action Club of Thanh Chương 3 High School, under the guidance of the Thanh Chương 3 the House of Wisdom.

With the message “Spread the reading culture – Give a sincere gift to receive a beautiful smile”, young members of the Books & Action Club, along with volunteers, distributed books to parents as they waited for their children to complete the exams.

To prepare for the "Open the Bookstore, Share the Joy" initiative during the exam season, the Books & Action Club of Thanh Chương 3 High School curated a selection of valuable, humanistic, and educational books as spiritual gifts for parents.

A shaded schoolyard, simple plastic chairs, paper fans, and an array of quality books awaited readers – creating a natural and inviting library in the sunny and breezy central Vietnam. The stressful waiting period was transformed into enjoyable and relaxing moments, with humorous stories and profound reflections offered by the books. This also provided parents with an opportunity to gain deeper insights into adolescent psychology, their children’s interests, passions, and future aspirations, thus enabling better support for their children.

Hoạt động đọc sách được các bậc phụ huynh hưởng ứng.
Reading activities are welcomed by parents.

The sweat-soaked clothes and joyful glint in the eyes of parents spoke volumes about the meaningful impact of this activity. An elderly man over 60 shared with the club's volunteers, "I love books. Thank you for bringing books here, making my time waiting here so worthwhile".

Cụ ông 60 tuổi đọc sách trong lúc chờ cháu làm bài thi.
Elderly man reads while waiting for grandchild to finish exam.

Nguyen Thị Kim Oanh, Head of the Books & Action Club of Thanh Chương 3 High School and the main coordinator of activities at Thanh Chương 3 House of Wisdom expressed: "Youth only comes once, so we should create our own youthful memories. Today, I wear the volunteer blue shirt to support the exam season and, more importantly, to spread the reading culture to everyone. Giving books to parents, receiving smiles, and gratitude from children and parents, and seeing the enjoyment and reflection on their faces while reading – these are truly the best memories in my youth".

Another club member, Nguyen Hai Yen remarked: "For me, supporting the exam season combined with spreading the reading culture is essential. The reading culture is fading amid modern changes. Through the club's activities, I believe parents, candidates, and volunteers have gained a new perspective on reading. I think we should organize more activities to spread the reading culture everywhere, not just at the school gate, to make it more widespread".

Niềm đam mê đọc sách của các bạn đoàn viên.

Youthful passion for reading.

The most memorable image at the end of the two-day 10th-grade entrance exam was the volunteer blue shirts alleviating the summer heat and the intense atmosphere of the exam, spreading joy and hope. The enthusiasm, dynamism, and creativity of the volunteers in supporting the candidates and their families inspired society with the spirit of volunteerism, contributing youthful energy to bring good things to the community and the country.

The distribution of free books in the "Exam Support" program is an annual event and has become a cherished tradition of Thanh Chương 3 High School. It is hoped that this meaningful initiative to spread the reading culture will shine brightly and spread widely across the country.

The Books and Action Club at Thanh Chương 3, part of the Thanh Chương 3 House of Wisdom, occupies a 1000m² campus and is a member of the global House of Wisdom network. This network spans six countries: Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the United States.

Established to provide free lifelong learning spaces for everyone, the House of Wisdom model has significantly impacted society. In 2023, it was honoured by the Library of Congress with the Literacy Award for best practice honourees, recognizing its outstanding contributions to literacy and knowledge dissemination.

Images of the "Exam Support" activities by Books & Action Club of Thanh Chương 3 High School which belongs to Thanh Chương 3 House of Wisdom.

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