Nigerian patient saved by Vietnamese doctor from severe malaria

After five days of treatment, the patient had no fever, no malaria parasites in peripheral blood smear tests, and no sign of anemia.
Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong and the Nigerian patient (Photo: VNA)
Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong and the Nigerian patient (Photo: VNA)

The Centre for Tropical Diseases of Bach Mai Hospital recently saved the life of a 32-year-old female Nigerian patient with severe malaria, who had been hospitalised in a critical condition.

Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong, who directly treats the patient, said that on July 6, the centre received the Nigerian who has lived in Vietnam for 4 years. She returned to her hometown in Nigeria on April 30 and came back to Vietnam on June 19.

After being checked-up in Medlatec Hospital and treated in Dang Van Ngu Hospital, the patient was admitted to Bach Mai Hospital in a state of irritability, high fever of 39 degrees Celsius, pale mucous membranes, low blood pressure, and oliguria. The initial diagnosis was severe malaria with acute renal failure.

After five days of treatment, the patient had no fever, no malaria parasites in peripheral blood smear tests, and no sign of anemia, her rental failure gradually improved, and urine output returned to normal.

According to Assoc. Prof., Dr. Do Duy Cuong, Director of the Centre for Tropical Diseases, malaria is a rare infectious disease in the northern region because Vietnam has successfully controlled it. However, recently the number of malaria cases has increased, mainly from people returning or coming from Africa.

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(Source: VNA)