National programme on labour productivity improvement approved

The Prime Minister on November 8 issued a decision approving the national program on labor productivity improvement by 2030.
National programme on labour productivity improvement approved | Society | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
The Prime Minister on November 8 issued a decision approving the national program on labor productivity improvement by 2030.

The programme sets a target of raising the average labour productivity growth by 6.5 per cent, with that of the processing and manufacturing industry being 6.5-7 per cent, agro-forestry-fishery by 7-7.5 per cent, and the service sector by 7-7.5 per cent.

Meanwhile, the labour productivity growth rate of key economic regions and five centrally-run cities is higher than the national average in the 2022-2030 period.

The programme also highlights initiatives to boost labour productivity, including the establishment of a national productivity committee and the organisation of policy dialogue on the issue, regular discussion with the business community, investors and labourers to handle barriers to labour productivity improvement.

Additionally, the country will integrate measures to enhance labour productivity into programmes, mechanisms and policies to build digital Government, digital economy and digital society, while promoting digital transformation in every sector, field and business.

In the meantime, it will work to enhance economic restructuring to better the competitive edge of sectors.

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(Source: VNA)