More than 95% of labourers in Hanoi return to work after Tet Lunar New Year

As many as 356 out of 365 enterprises with 147,872 labourers working in industrial and export processing zones in Hanoi have resumed operations.
Over 95% of labourers in Hanoi return to work after Tet
Chairman of the Hanoi Federation of Labour Pham Quang Thanh (R) visits a business in Hanoi on February 3.

As of February 3, the seventh day of the Lunar New Year of the Snake, more than 95% of labourers in nearly 92% of businesses in Hanoi had returned to work after the Tet holiday, according to the Hanoi Federation of Labour.

Of the figure, 356 out of 365 enterprises with 147,872 labourers working in industrial and export processing zones in the capital city have resumed operations.

The federation informed about support activities of trade union members and labourers during and after the Tet festival, the biggest in a year, with priorities given to those in difficult circumstances, social policy beneficiaries and ethnic minorities, among others.

The management boards and trade unions of industrial and export processing zones have urged businesses to ensure fair wages, benefits, and working hours for employees.

Chairman of the Hanoi Federation of Labour Pham Quang Thanh asked the trade unions of industrial and export processing zones and grassroots unions to closely coordinate with businesses to listen to workers' concerns and aspirations, thus timely providing consultations and reporting to authorities, ensuring that strikes and work stoppages do not occur.

He ordered them to renovate their activities, focusing on their core functions in representing, caring for, and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of labourers.

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(Source: VNA)