Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference

WVR/VNA - ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, are important priorities in Russia’s foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The Vietnam-Russia relationship is a comprehensive strategic partnership. The two countries are connected by a shared history spanning many decades, characterized by strong friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, affirmed Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko.
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations Phan Anh Sơn speaks at the event. (Photo: Vietnam Times).

On May 15, in Hanoi, the Russian Ambassador made the remarks at a conference jointly organized by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), the Russian Embassy in Vietnam and Vietnam-Russia Friendship Association, aiming to share information about Russia and cooperation between the two countries.

The conference focused on the current political, economic, cultural and social situation of Russia, cooperation between Vietnam and Russia, and potential for future collaboration.

Maintaining strong traditional friendship

This year the two countries celebrate 74 years of diplomatic ties (January, 1950), as well as 30 years of signing the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and Russia (June, 1994), Ambassador Bezdetko said, expressing his satisfaction with the development of political dialogue between the two countries.

"Overall, we are satisfied with the development of political dialogue between the two countries. We are making efforts to promote economic-trade, scientific-technical, humanitarian cooperation and other fields." Ambassador Bezdetko affirmed.

Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Russian Ambassador to Vietnam G.S. Bezdetko speaks at the conference. (Photo: VNA)

Referring to the event of Mr. Putin's inauguration as President of the Russian Federation on May 7, Ambassador Gennady Bezdetko stated that immediately after the inauguration, the Head of the Russian state confirmed the main development goals of Russia for the period up to 2030 and the vision up to 2036.

The Ambassador also mentioned the phone talks between Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Russian President Putin on March 26 during which the two leaders discussed overall directions for bilateral cooperation in the coming time, such as security-defence, economy, trade, culture, and tourism. The Vietnamese Party leader took this occasion to invite President Putin to officially visit Vietnam soon and the Russian President accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Overview of the Press Conference. (Photo: WVR)

Ambassador Bezdetko said that preparations for the visit are underway and it is expected to create new momentum to deepen bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Promoting trade and economic cooperation

Regarding bilateral economic cooperation, Trade Representative of Russia in Vietnam V. N. Kharinov said that the two countries are trying to effectively implement the Vietnam - Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Free Trade Agreement to increase bilateral trade to 10 billion USD by 2025.

At present, Vietnam is engaged in 15 agreements on simplified customs management. Therefore, activating mutually beneficial industrial cooperation will allow for a new impetus to the development of Russia's non-raw material, non-energy exports to markets in the region and introduce new products and capacities into Vietnam's economy and trade. Achieving these agreements can be realized through large, long-term joint projects and the support of both Governments.

Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Trade Representative of Russia in Vietnam V. N. Kharinov speaks at the conference. (Photo: WVR)

The Russian Trade Representative also noted that the solid foundation in bilateral relations and the trusted political dialogue at the highest levels have propelled forward the development of mutually beneficial business cooperation.

Many Russian high-tech and health care businesses have shown their interest in expanding their presence in Vietnam, he added.

Strengthening Cultural and Educational Cooperation

This year, the Russian Embassy, along with the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Hanoi, carry out numerous cultural and educational cooperation activities between the two countries. Vladimir Murashkin, Director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Hanoi, affirmed that Russia continues to support training human resources for Vietnam. One of the important directions in educational cooperation is organizing internships in Vietnam for Russian students.

"2024 marks the 70th anniversary since the first Vietnamese students came to study in the Soviet Union in 1954. Since 2019, the Russian Government has granted 1,000 scholarships to Vietnam," said Vladimir Murashkin.

During this academic year, about 50 delegations from Russian universities have visited Vietnam through various channels. The two sides have organized numerous introduction activities, meetings with alumni, and developed partnership networks between Russian and Vietnamese Universities.

Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Press Conference
Deepening Vietnam-Russian bilateral cooperation: Vladimir Murashkin, Director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Hanoi. (Photo: Vietnam Times)

Regarding cultural exchanges, Vladimir Murashkin affirmed that the Center is striving to overcome geographical distances to introduce the Vietnamese audience to the achievements of Russian culture and science, thereby continuing to bring the two nations and peoples closer together. The Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra has selected three compositions by Vietnamese musician Le Tu Minh to perform alongside works by outstanding Russian composers at the Moscow Conservatory, he added.

On May 24, the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, a program featuring Russian music performances will take place at the Vietnam National Academy of Music. According to Mr. Vladimir Murashkin, many Vietnamese audiences are familiar with the works of Russian composers, and Russian music performances always enjoy great success.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)