Chinese Party General Secretary, State President Xi Jinping congratulates General Secretary, State President To Lam

VNA/WVR - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent congratulations to State President To Lam on his election as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)'s Central Committee.
Sáng 3/8, sau khi được Trung ương tín nhiệm bầu giữ chức vụ cao nhất của Đảng, Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm đã chủ trì họp báo để thông tin, trả lời các câu hỏi của báo chí trong nước và quốc tế. (Ảnh: Tuấn Anh)
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam. (Photo: Tuan Anh)

The message reads:

“I am very delighted to learn that you have been elected to the position of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPV. On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and in my own name, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to you.

"Over the recent years, the CPV has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 13th National Party Congress's Resolution, focusing on promoting the Party building, and reaping new achievements in boosting the building of socialism and the renewal and open-door cause.

"We believe that, under the steadfast leadership of the CPV Central Committee, the entire Party and people of Vietnam will successfully realise the objectives and tasks set forth by the CPV's 13th National Congress, steadily promoting the preparations for the 14th National Congress, and continuously moving towards the "two 100-year goals" of the Party and the country's founding.

"China and Vietnam are socialist neighbours linked by mountains and rivers. Last December, I paid a state visit to Vietnam, during which both sides announced the building of a China-Vietnam Community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, opening a new journey and a new chapter in the relationship between the two Parties and the two countries. I am ready to join Comrade General Secretary To Lam in leading the building of an increasingly substantial and in-depth China-Vietnam Community with a shared future, jointly promoting the traditional friendship, consolidating political trust, deepening strategic exchanges, boosting substantive cooperation, bringing more happiness to the peoples of the two countries, and actively contributing to the cause of peace and progress of the mankind.

"Wish you new achievements in your noble position".

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