Australia to export peaches and nectarines to Viet Nam

Australian peaches and nectarines bound for Viet Nam for the first time in a decade.
Ngày 17/2, Bộ trưởng Nông nghiệp Australia David Littleproud cho biết chính phủ nước này đang nỗ lực chuẩn bị cho việc xuất khẩu thí điểm đào (peach) và xuân đào (nectarine) của Australia sang Việt Nam trong những tháng tới. (Nguồn: ABC News)
Australian nectarines and peaches will soon be available in Viet Nam. (Photo: ABC New)

The Australian government is preparing for the pilot export of the country’s peaches and nectarines to Viet Nam in the coming months, Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud has said.

"Viet Nam is a priority market for our premium produce and pleased that the completion of technical negotiations will mean our peaches and nectarines will be able to access this valuable market," he said.

Summerfruit Export Development Alliance Chairman Ian McAlister said the reopening of the Vietnamese market was a good development for the industry.

He emphasised that with the right promotion, the Vietnamese market could be a significant destination for Australia.

According to McAlister, the Australian and Vietnamese governments have completed the signing of the necessary protocols for the trial export of nectarines and peaches.

The first shipment of these fruits will be delivered to Viet Nam in March and April, paving the way for a larger volume to arrive in early December.

McAlister also expressed his hope that Australia will soon be able to export plums to Viet Nam.

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(Source: VNA)