A historic UNGA Resolution for State of Palestine: Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang's remarks

WVR - On May 10, in New York, the UN General Assembly convened an emergency special session on the Gaza crisis and overwhelmingly passed a resolution which upgrades Palestine’s rights at the world body as an Observer State. It urged the Security Council to give “favourable consideration” to Palestine’s request.
A historic resolution for the State of Palestine
A historic UNGA Resolution of for State of Palestine: The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution which upgrades Palestine’s rights at the world body as an Observer State. (Photo: WVR)

The new resolution of the General Assembly reaffirms the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and assesses that the State of Palestine has met the criteria for full membership in the United Nations. The Resolution also recommends that the Security Council favorably reconsider the admission of Palestine in accordance with Article 4 of the United Nations Charter, emphasizing the broad support from member states for this legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people.

At the session, the President of the United Nations General Assembly and most countries expressed deep concern about the conflict and humanitarian situation in Gaza as well as the recent complex developments in the region. They assessed the new resolution as an important step towards the admission of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations, contributing to the promotion of the "two-State solution" to achieve lasting and sustainable peace in the Middle East.

A historic resolution for the State of Palestine
A historic UNGA Resolution of for State of Palestine: Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations, voted in favor of adopting the Resolution. (Photo: WVR)

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, delivered a speech on Vietnam's stance as the Tenth Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly continued on May 13, 2024. The full text is as follows:

Madam President,

1. I wish to thank you for resuming this Emergency Special Session. Vietnam aligns itself with the statement made by the distinguished representative of Uganda on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Madam President,

2. More than 7 months into the Gaza conflict, peace prospects remain elusive. Fears of escalation into regional war are growing amidst direct confrontation between the region’s major military powers. There is no sign of diminished violence or an end to civilian deaths.

3. Vietnam is deeply concerned about these increased hostilities and tension. The impending ground offensive on Rafah, in particular, would take an unimaginable toll on civilians, especially on women and children, and further aggravate the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

4. Vietnam strongly condemns all forms of indiscriminate violence targeting civilians and critical civilian infrastructure. We firmly oppose all acts in violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any State.

5. In this regard, Vietnam urges all parties to exercise utmost restraint, engage in dialogues, and strictly abide by international law, the United Nations Charter and relevant United Nations resolutions. We renew our call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and violence, and unconditional release of all hostages.

We urge that all measures are taken to ensure unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirm Viet Nam’s continued support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)’s central role in this regard.

6. Viet Nam supports all ongoing diplomatic efforts towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza to put a stop to civilian casualties and suffering. In the long run, a lasting, just and peaceful resolution to the Gaza conflict and the Middle East Peace Process can only be achieved through the two-State solution in conformity with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions.

7. We are disappointed that last month the Security Council once again failed to reach agreement on the over-due admission of Palestine as a United Nations Member State. This goes against the will of not only the Palestinian people but also the majority of the international community. Artificial and politically-motivated obstacles continue to hinder Palestine’s legitimate quest for full membership.

Madam President,

8. Vietnam stands with the Palestinian people in the plight to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and supports Palestine’s early admission to the United Nations.

9. Our long-standing solidarity and unwavering support are deeply rooted in our common and long struggle for sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, freedom and the pursuit of happiness for our peoples.

10. Vietnam’s own path to United Nations membership was a long and arduous one. It fell victim to the Security Council veto on numerous occasions. The many barriers and obstacles, however, did not stop the irreversible course of history and prevent the peace-loving nation of Viet Nam’s eventual admission to the United Nations in 1977.

11. We witnessed history last Friday as the State of Palestine inched closer to full membership, with the adoption of a General Assembly Resolution that allows Palestine greater engagement in the work of the United Nations. Vietnam co-sponsored and voted in favour of this monumental resolution, together with a large majority of this august body.

12. The legitimate aspirations of millions of Palestinians for peace, development and equality must not be denied. Palestine’s admission to the United Nations as a full member would be most conducive to the two-State solution as it lays the ground for meaningful negotiations between parties on an equal footing. And that would be an important step towards achieving sustainable peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond.

I thank you./.

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