Vietsovpetro completed installation of wellhead platform topside block at Bach Ho oil field

WVR/VNA - On September 11, the Vietnam – Russia oil and gas joint venture Vietsovpetro said that it completed the installation of the wellhead platform topside block of the BK-23 drilling rig at Lot 09.1 of Bach Ho oil field, 145 kilometres to the southeast of Vung Tau city a day earlier.
Vietsovpetro successfully installs wellhead platform topside at Bach Ho oil field
Vietsovpetro completed installation of wellhead platform topside at Bach Ho oil field: Overview of Bach Ho oil field. (Photo: PetroVietnam)

More than 130 workers used a crane vessel to install the 760-tonne block in accordance with schedule, ensuring safety and the most rational costs despite bad weather conditions caused by typhoon Yagi.

BK-23, an unmanned wellhead platform, is located near the existing BK-14 oil rig, which will receive oil and gas from the former through an auxiliary equipment system and connecting pipelines.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)