Vietnamese peacekeepers report on COVID-19 prevention

Vietnamese forces engaging in UN peacekeeping missions in the Central African Republic and South Sudan reported on the COVID-19 situation in their areas via a video conference in Ha Noi on June 15.
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At the video conference. (Photo: VNA)

South Sudan, experts have said, is one of five African countries with the most rapid rate of COVID-19 infections and is among those most at risk of an outbreak.

As of June 10, the country had 1,604 cases, including 19 deaths and six recoveries.

As of the same day, Vietnam’s Level-2 Field Hospital No.2 in South Sudan’s Bentiu city had treated 927 patients.

Meanwhile, the Central African Republic has announced 1,888 infections with six fatalities and 40 recoveries.

Six Vietnamese officers are at the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Minister of National Defence, highly appreciated the efforts of Vietnamese peacekeeping forces to overcome the difficulties and asked them to protect themselves amid the pandemic.

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(Source: VNA)