Vietnam - Turkey: The future is an open road

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Vietnam - Turkey diplomatic ties (7 June 1978 - 7 June 2018), Turkish Ambassador to Vietnam Akif Ayhan shared his views with The World & Vietnam Report on the future of both countries' bilateral relations.
vietnam turkey the future is an open road Turkish PM’s visit to Vietnam aims at stronger bilateral ties
vietnam turkey the future is an open road Turkey applies temporary measure on Vietnamese yarn

Your Excellency, Vietnam and Turkey are approaching 4 decades since the establishment of the two countries' diplomatic relations. How do you assess the results we have achieved in promoting bilateral ties?

First of all, I would like to greet the readers of The World and Vietnam Report with my earnest sentiments while wishing well to the friendly people of Vietnam and to their eminent leaders.

vietnam turkey the future is an open road
Turkish Ambassador to Vietnam Akif Ayhan.

Turkey and Vietnam have enjoyed friendly political relations ever since the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 1978. This year, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of Turkish-Vietnamese diplomatic ties and our relations thrive on a positive agenda.

There is strong will on both sides to take joint endeavours to a higher level. This will was clearly emphasized during the landmark official visit by H.E. Mr. Binali Yıldırım, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, to Vietnam in August 2017.

The visit was a major milestone for our bilateral relations as it constituted the first official Prime Ministerial visit between the two countries. During the said visit, H.E. Mr. Yıldırım and his Vietnamese counterpart, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, agreed on further strengthening our bonds through more frequent mutual visits and contacts in every field. Both leaders emphasized the political will to boost and upgrade our interactions.

Thus, the prospects for fertile and brighter cooperation are now clear. Our Embassy will continue to collaborate with the relevant Vietnamese institutions and authorities toward this objective by activating the untapped potential.

In this token, I believe in the importance of further increasing high-level visits, bilateral trade, people-to-people exchanges, tourism flows and cultural activities. With a view to maintaining momentum provided by our Prime Minister Mr. Yıldırım’s visit to Vietnam in 2017, we are working on the materialization of a high level visit from Vietnam to Turkey in 2018.

We also plan on strengthening and expanding our bilateral ties in various fields such as defense, transportation, education, science and technology. At this point, let me emphasize with pleasure that Turkish Airlines operates daily flights between Istanbul-Ha Noi-Ho Chi Minh City. The frequency of these flights, including cargo services, is planned to be stepped up.

I am of the opinion that the mutual facilitation of visa requirements in particular for visitors, businessmen and students will enable our peoples to make better use of the already existing flight connections.

Turkey is currently the leading Middle Eastern trade partner of Vietnam and Vietnam is also interested in many Turkish items. In your opinion, what should the two countries do to better exploit our cooperative potentials?

As of today, Turkey is one of the leading actors in its region in terms of foreign trade. In 2017, Turkish exports reached a volume of 157 billion USD and Turkish imports were recorded as 234 billion USD. We are aware of the impressive trade potential of Vietnam with an export-import turnover of around 425 billion USD.

The economic and commercial relations between Turkey and Vietnam have been marked by a noticeable upturn over recent years. The trade volume between the two countries, which was only 600 million USD ten years ago, reached 3.3 billion USD (237 million USD of Turkish exports and 3 billion of Vietnamese exports) in 2017, thus displaying a tremendous leap over. However, despite this promising trend in bilateral trade statistics, the current figures do not reflect the true potential of the two countries. We have therefore set a target of achieving 4 billion USD worth of bilateral trade volume until the end of 2020, during the 7th session of Turkish- Vietnamese Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETC), held in Ha Noi in 2017.

However, Turkey has a huge deficit from trade with Vietnam.  Our objective is to sustain upward surge in mutual trade but in a balanced manner. By this way, the growth will be more meaningful and reciprocally beneficial to both countries.

On the other hand, certain key measures for tapping into full potential in bilateral trade and economic cooperation could be: to raise overall and shared awareness of the business circles in both countries; to frequently exchange trade-business delegations and; to further promote and facilitate mutual participation of the business communities in trade, investment and tourism events and exhibitions staged in the two countries.

Such incentives and guidance will serve as a basis for boosting bilateral economic/trade initiatives in a mutually satisfactory way, while helping eliminate hurdles facing the business communities and assisting in exploration of advanced opportunities in respective markets, as well as for collaboration in the third countries.

You have shared your hopes of the two countries to sign and ratify a Turkey - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. Do you think such an agreement will help boosting the two sides’ bilateral trade relations?

So far, Turkey has concluded FTAs with than 24 countries and has a Customs Union with the European Union (EU).

vietnam turkey the future is an open road
Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (R) and Ambassador Akif Ayhan in Ha Noi, 22 December 2015. (Photo: Tuan Anh)

Furthermore, FTA negotiations are underway with 17 countries/blocs; we already have initiated a preliminary process with more than 10 additional countries with an aim to launch negotiations, including Vietnam.

We earnestly look forward to a healthier growth of global trade flows within an unconstrained environment, not in a protectionist one.

Vietnam has concluded FTA negotiations with the EU through arrangements/clauses expected to be translated into concrete actions in the foreseeable future. Pursuant to the spirit of the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU, countries that sign an FTA with the EU are supposed to eventually sign an FTA with Turkey too.

At this point, I would like to mention that we attach great importance to negotiate and sign an FTA with Vietnam. However, the Vietnamese side does not appear yet over-enthusiastic for this format in partnership. I hope that we can agree on taking steps towards starting negotiations as soon as possible, which we think will be a milestone towards bestowing considerable impetus onto our bilateral trade.

As an active member of ASEAN, can Vietnam act as a bridge for Turkey to strengthen relations with ASEAN countries since Turkey is now an ASEAN's Dialogue Partner?

It is our strong conviction that Southeast Asia is an integral part and one of the key drivers of the growing ascendancy of Asia-Pacific region in international affairs. Its global visibility as an economic, political and cultural heavyweight is steadily growing. ASEAN stands as a testament to the staunch determination and capability of Southeast Asian nations to build instrumental regional cooperation mechanisms. 

Despite the geographical distance, Turkey, a growing regional powerhouse, attaches particular importance to further deepening her relations and partnership with the Southeast Asian countries. Our diplomatic presence in the region has expanded with new missions and I have the honour and pleasure to point out that, as of 2018, we have Embassies in all ASEAN capitals. As you have stated, Turkey became ASEAN’s Sectoral Dialogue Partner in August 2017, which will enhance her economic bonds with the region as a whole.

We consider Vietnam as an outstanding and reliable partner in this strategic region as well as on international platforms. As a prominent member of ASEAN, Vietnam not only propped up our requests to attend ASEAN Summits as a guest of the rotating Chairmanship, but also welcomed and supported our Sectoral Dialogue Partnership.

As a leading regional country with a prime geo-strategic location, Vietnam can fulfil a function in consolidating Turkey’s ties with Southeast Asia and greater Asia-Pacific area whereas Turkey can act as a gateway for Vietnam towards the Middle East, Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

At present, the situation all over the world and in the region is unpredictable, such as terrorism, nuclear weapons or militarization in the South China Sea... Based on our mutual political trust and respect to the international law, how should we cooperate with each other in order to contribute to the cause of bringing peace and stability to the world and in particular areas?

As active and responsible members of the international community, Turkey and Vietnam have an excellent level of cooperation at the global fora. We have very similar approaches to the outstanding global issues such as terrorism and nuclear weapons. Both countries regularly support each other’s candidacies in the UN and other international organizations.

We follow with interest developments in the South China Sea or "East Sea” by Vietnamese denomination. We think that all concerned parties should refrain from actions which would increase tensions and that disputes should be approached with a prospect to be resolved through peaceful means. Principles of equity and fairness could also be taken into consideration within a comprehensive process related to maritime issues in this part of the world.           

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to address the readers of The World and Vietnam Report.

vietnam turkey the future is an open road Vietnam, Turkey urged to expand economic cooperation

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Quang Dao