Vietnam opposes all activities infringing upon Vietnam's sovereignty over Hoang Sa, Truong Sa

WVR/VNA - On May 23, speaking at the Ministry’s regular press conference, Deputy Spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry Doan Khac Viet said that as has been clearly enunciated many times, Vietnam has full legal basis and ample historical evidence to assert its sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and the Truong Sa (Spratly), in accordance with international law as well as sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over maritime zones established following the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).
Vietnam opposes all activities infringing upon sovereignty over Hoang Sa, Truong Sa:
Deputy Spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry Doan Khac Viet at the Ministry's regular press conference. (Photo: Nguyen Hong)

He made the statement in response to reporters’ query regarding a new regulation issued by China on May 15 authorising its coast guard force to detain for up to 30 days without trial foreigners who violate or help others violate territorial waters/waters that China claims sovereignty.

Deputy Spokesperson Viet said that Vietnam is always resolute and persistent in protecting Vietnam's sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in maritime zones as well as the legal and legitimate interests of Vietnamese citizens, in accordance with the UNCLOS 1982 and Vietnamese laws.

Responding to a reporter's query about Chinese media's reports that on May 22, China sent a hospital ship of its navy to entities in Vietnam's Hoang Sa to provide medical checks and treatment to soldiers illegally stationed there, the Deputy Spokesperson stated that Vietnam resolutely opposes all activities infringing upon Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)