Vietnam Culture Week underway in Cambodia

The 19th Vietnam Culture Week in Cambodia is taking place from May 20-25, with the official opening ceremony held in Phnom Penh on May 21 evening.

Speaking at the event 19th Vietnam Culture Week in Cambodia, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong said that during this week, Vietnam wishes to introduce to the Cambodian people and international friends the beauty of Vietnamese culture through traditional music and dance performances, including some art forms listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Vietnam Culture Week underway in Cambodia
An art performance at the opening ceremony of the 19th Vietnam Culture Week in Cambodia. (Source: VNA)

Deputy Minister Dong expressed his belief that along with cultural exchange activities in recent times, the 2024 Vietnam Culture Week in Cambodia will continue to be an important milestone in strengthening bilateral solidarity, friendship, and mutual understanding, thus contributing to consolidating, enhancing and further developing the good neighborliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability between the two countries.

Affirming the significance of the program, Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Phoeurng Sackona said that the culture ministries and relevant agencies of the two countries have been working to promote cooperation in various fields such as exchanging practical experiences, supporting each other in participating in international mechanisms and forums and cultural heritage collaboration, and research and training of human resources for the cultural sector.

She proposed the two sides exchange experiences in the cultural industry - a field with both economic and social potential in the bilateral cooperation, affirming that her ministry will continue supporting and stepping up the organization of joint activities, considering these as model events for both countries to implement in cooperation with other countries to introduce each other's culture, arts and people.

On May 24, an art program in the framework of the week will be held in Banteay Meanchey province.

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(Source: VNA)