Viet Nam performs UNSC responsibilities well: Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy

Viet Nam successfully fulfilled its commitments and responsibilities in the UN Security Council (UNSC) during the first year of its two-year term as a non-permanent member, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese mission to the UN, has said.
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Đại sứ Đặng Đình Quý tại phòng Chủ tịch HĐBA. (Nguồn: Phái đoàn Việt Nam tại LHQ)
Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese mission to the UN. (Photo: VNA)

In a recent interview, Quy affirmed that Viet Nam has made every effort to optimise the interests of the country at the global forum, protecting its security interests and development and improving its position and prestige.

He said that along with the other countries who are non-permanent members (the E10 group), Viet Nam has always tried to act as a bridge to help the UNSC permanent members (P5 group), who have disagreed for a long time, to understand each other better and minimise deadlocks and ineffectiveness due to disagreement.

Viet Nam has joined efforts with other countries in the E10 group to strengthen intra-group solidarity and the solidarity between the two groups, contributing to enhancing links, promoting information sharing and joint action, and improving mutual support in many issues, including how to respond to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Notably, Viet Nam has been active in promoting the role and voice of ASEAN as well as of the E10 in 2020 - a special year when two ASEAN members - Viet Nam and Indonesia - are non-permanent members of the UNSC. On Vietnam’s initiative, the two ASEAN members have made nearly 20 joint speeches throughout the year on important issues, including those where it is difficult to find a “common voice”.

The diplomat highlighted that for the first time, Viet Nam, as the ASEAN Chair, joined other ASEAN member countries to submit a resolution on ASEAN-UN cooperation, with the largest number of co-sponsors ever, at up to 110 countries, to the UN General Assembly.

In 2021, Viet Nam will continue to promote issues relating to the E10 and ASEAN and will also promote cooperation between regional organisations and the UN, Quy said.

It will continue its efforts to enhance ASEAN’s role and image in the UNSC, especially in areas such as peacekeeping and in joint efforts to prevent conflict and promote post-peace construction.

In April, Viet Nam will assume the rotating presidency of the UNSC for the second and also last time in its term.

Ambassador Quy said this will be a big challenge because Viet Nam always wants to do better than it expects.

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(Source: VNA)