Top leader delivers the appointment decision to the Deputy Prosecutor General

WVR/VN - On September 16, a ceremony in Hanoi announced the State President's decision to appoint a new Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy (SPP).
Top leader delivers the appointment decision to the Deputy Prosecutor General
Party General Secretary and President To Lam (right) hands over the decision to appoint Ho Duc Anh as Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy on September 16. (Source: VNA)

At the ceremony, Party General Secretary and President To Lam presented the decision to Ho Duc Anh, procurator at the SPP and Director of the SPP’s Department of Public Prosecutions and Supervision over the Investigation of Economic Crimes.

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Congratulating Anh on the appointment, the top leader asked the new Deputy Prosecutor General to work closely with other SPP leaders to reform professional activities, build a clean and strong Party organisation, and develop a powerful and comprehensive procuracy sector with upright, objective, prudent, and humble staff like what late President Ho Chi Minh asked for.

He voiced his belief that Anh will continue upholding the procuracy sector’s glorious tradition and excellently fulfill all assigned tasks to deserve the trust from the Party, State, people, and the sector.

In his remarks, the new Deputy Prosecutor General expressed his honour to assume the new duty, which is also a great responsibility towards the Party, State, and people.

Anh pledged to stay absolutely loyal to the revolutionary cause of the Party, State, and people; unceasingly improve his political mettle, morality and lifestyle; follow President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings for procurators; contribute to the building of the Party and the sector; firmly maintain discipline; promote his capacity and leadership methodology; and work in the highest sense of responsibility, closely coordinate with related agencies, and respect opinions so as to fulfill all tasks entrusted.

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