SSC and JICA promote efficiency of Vietnamese equity market

WVR - Launching seminar of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Technical Cooperation Project for “Capacity Building on Promoting Efficiency of Vietnamese Equity Market” was held on September 23, 2024 in Hanoi.
Delegates of the launching seminar of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Technical Cooperation Project for “Capacity Building on Promoting Efficiency of Vietnamese Equity Market” on September 23, 2024 in Hanoi. (Photo: JICA)
Delegates of the launching seminar of the JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project for “Capacity Building on Promoting Efficiency of Vietnamese Equity Market” on September 23. (Photo: JICA)

Almost 150 participants from related ministries and agencies, as well as Vietnamese and Japanese companies attended the seminar.

In the seminar, after the presentation by the State Securities Commission (SSC), JICA’s long-term expert from Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) and consultant team leader from Daiwa Institute of Research provided reviews and implementation plan of the Project.

Notably, the seminar welcomed a keynote speech from Mr. Satoru Kawasaki, the Deputy Commissioner of JFSA about “Japan's Securities Market Development: Experience and Lessons”, which could lay many lessons learnt for Vietnamese stakeholders.

This Technical Cooperation Project aims at improving the capacity of SSC and 3 Stock Exchanges (SEs) in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, through various activities such as close consultancy, capacity building on various related matters. The project focuses on securities market surveillance and inspection, supervision of market intermediaries, listing and public offerings in line with international standards, and raising awareness on investor protection among listed companies.

An overview of the launching seminar of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Technical Cooperation Project for “Capacity Building on Promoting Efficiency of Vietnamese Equity Market” on September 23, 2024 in Hanoi. (Photo: JICA)
An overview of the seminar. (Photo: JICA)

This project follows the JICA's "The Project for Capacity Building on Improving Fairness and Transparency of Vietnamese Equity Market" implemented from 2019 to 2023. Entering a new phase, in the context of the implementation of the "Strategy for the development of Vietnam's securities market to 2030", the Government of Japan continues to support the efforts of the Government of Vietnam for further enhancement of the capacity of the relevant authorities and upgrade the level of the equity market conducive for sustained socio-economic development of the economy. The new Project also enable the Vietnamese security market to integrate into the ASEAN and international markets.

Mr. Kojima Kazunobu, JICA's Chief Consultant expected "the two SSC-JICA projects (previous project implemented from 2019 to 2023 and this new project) could contribute to upgrading the Vietnamese market to an "emerging market" status and its integration into the international capital market."

"Looking towards 2030, I think it would be a great achievement if we could advance the "strengthening of the primary market in line with international equity capital market standards" and "utilization of effective self-regulatory organizations," as recommended in the previous project,", he stated.

For more than two decades, JICA has been supporting the Government of Vietnam to develop marketoriented economy and promote international economic integration through various technical and financial cooperation projects. Japan will keep supporting SSC, SEs, and relevant stakeholders through technical cooperation for further promotion of fairness and transparency as well as efficiency of Vietnam’s securities market in the new development cooperation era.
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