Second working day of 13th Party Central Committee’s 10th plenum, discusses theoretical and practical issues regarding socialist-oriented reform

The 13th Party Central Committee discussed in groups a number of draft reports on September 19, the second day of its 10th plenum.
Second working day of 13th Party Central Committee’s 10th plenum, discusses theoretical and practical issues regarding socialist-oriented reform
The 13th Party Central Committee discussed in groups a number of draft reports on September 19. (Source: VNA)

They included the political report to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress, and another on some theoretical and practical issues regarding socialist-oriented reform in Vietnam over the past 40 years.

The committee also touched upon draft reports on the five-year implementation of the 2021-2030 socio-economic development strategy, and orientations and tasks for 2026 - 2030; the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic development plan, and the 2025 plan; the implementation of the 2024 state budget, and estimate for next year; the 2025-2027 finance-budget plan; and the North-South high-speed railway project.

A draft report on the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and orientations for the 14th tenure; the project on the amendment and supplementation of Decision No. 244-QD/TW, dated June 9, 2014, of the 11th Party Central Committee regarding the issuance of election regulations within the Party, and anther report on Party building and Party Charter implementation to be submitted to the 14th congress, were also scrutinised on the day.

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