President Ho Chi Minh's birthday marked in Cambodia

An incense offering ceremony was held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia on May 17 in celebration of the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - 2024).
President Ho Chi Minh's birthday marked in Cambodia
Participants at the ceremony. (Source: VNA)

In his speech, Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang highlighted the fruitful development of relations between Vietnam and Cambodia with substantive and effective achievements across fields from political, diplomatic, defence - security, and economic, trade, and investment cooperation.

Party orrganisations of Vietnamese representative agencies have implemented successfully political tasks in all areas, from politics, economics, national defense and security, culture, citizen protection, and those related to people of the Vietnamese origin in Cambodia.

He took the occasion to call on Party members, officials, the business community, and the Vietnamese community in Cambodia to continue studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle; and exert efforts to fulfill all tasks of 2024 in all aspects.

He suggested the Vietnamese community in Cambodia uphold the tradition of solidarity and mutual support to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strictly abide by laws of the host country.

The diplomat also urged them to make more contributions to the homeland, and continue to serve as a solid bridge for the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship.

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(Source: VNA)