Party General Secretary's writings on building socialist rule-of-law State introduced

WVR/VNA - A book by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the National Assembly in the renewal process to meet the requirements of building a socialist rule-of-law Vietnamese State was unveiled in Hanoi on July 16, 2024.
Party General Secretary's writings on building socialist rule-of-law State introduced
Party General Secretary's writings on building socialist rule-of-law State introduced: NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man visits a display area of the book. (Photo: VNA)

The event was co-hosted by the NA Standing Committee, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, and the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House.

Divided into three parts, the book features 95 articles, speeches and interviews by the Party leader, including those that he wrote during the time he served as chairman of the NA and directly led the revision of the Constitution and promulgation of the 2013 Constitution. It also includes 57 opinions from officials, Party members, intellectuals, NA deputies and voters nationwide, and international friends, offering their perspectives on the Party leader's leadership and direction.

Speaking at the event, NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man highlighted that the Party leader had served as Chairman of the NA in the 11th and 12th tenures, and had been an NA deputy for many consecutive terms since 2002. He has paid great attention to the reform of the organisation and operation of the NA, contributing to the building and perfection of a socialist rule-of-law Vietnamese State.

Party General Secretary Trong's scientific analyses and important directives help clarify the Party's theory on the socialist rule-of-law State and hold important orienting values in building the socialist law-governed Vietnamese State of the people, by the people, and for the people, NA Chairman Man said.

He stressed that the book holds profound theoretical and practical value and will be a valuable resource for Party committees, Party organisations, officials, Party members, and the public to better grasp the Party's guiding viewpoint regarding building a socialist rule-of-law state and the organisation and role of the legislature. This will enable them to make greater contributions to Vietnam's renewal process and the national goal of "a wealthy people, a strong country, democracy, justice and civilisation".

An e-version of the publication is available at

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(Source: WVR/VNA)