Nam Dinh border guard force works hard to prevent IUU fishing

Along with increasing patrol on waters under its management, the border guard force of the northern province of Nam Dinh has strictly managed the movement of local fishing vessels to ensure that no vessel without enough documents and equipment can go offshore, thus preventing illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

Major Vu Chi Cong, northern province of Nam Dinh, head of the border post at Hai Thinh Port said that along with combating all kinds of criminals in the sea border area, the post has sent officials and soldiers to local vessels to educate fishermen on IUU fishing prevention and control regulations.

Nam Dinh border guard force works hard to prevent IUU fishing
Controlling vessel movements through VMS. (Source: VNA)

As a result, the majority of local fishermen have thoroughly understood the regulations and have not violated regulations, Cong said.

Nguyen Van Tuan, the captain of a local fishing boat, said that thanks to communications efforts of the border guard force of Nam Dinh, he and local fishermen have understood legal regulations related to offshore fishing, thus avoiding violations of foreign waters.

Lieutenant Colonel Pham Van Truong, head of the Border Guard Station at Hai Thinh Port Border Gate said that in 2023 and the first four months of 2024, the provincial border guard force inspected about 20,000 vehicles and 60,000 people while conducting more than 10 patrols to protect the national sovereignty over sea areas in the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf in association with IUU prevention and control.

Nam Dinh currently has about 1,760 operating fishing vessels, including 531 vessels with a length of 15m and above, of which 97 per cent have installed VMS devices, and the remaining are out of use.

Since the beginning of this year, local authorities have sanctioned over 20 administrative violations with a total fine of over 230 million VND (9,037 USD).

Colonel Cao Xuan Thuy, Deputy Political Commissar of the Border Guard Command of Nam Dinh said that to join the whole country’s efforts to remove the European Commission’s "yellow card" on the Vietnamese fisheries sector, the provincial border guard force will continue strengthening communications and patrol activities, promptly detecting and handling violations on IUU fishing, and intensifying law enforcement measures to absolutely prevent fishing vessels that fail to show necessary documents from going to sea.

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(Source: VNA)