Fourteen Vietnamese citizens fleeing Ukraine were received in Russia

The Vietnamese Embassy in Russia and the Vietnamese Association in Krasnodar on March 13 received 14 Vietnamese citizens fleeing from Kherson war area in Ukraine to Krasnodar.
Fourteen Vietnamese citizens evacuated from Ukraine's war area
The 14 Vietnamese citizens have been safely evacuated from Kherson war area in Ukraine to Krasnodar. (Photo: VNA)

The citizens, including three children, earned their living as small traders in the local market which was shut down as the fighting broke out.

Luu Xuan Truong, one of the 14 citizens, said that he is delighted as he and his family members have safely fled from the war area where they lived with fear and his children could not go to school. He is moved to receive whole-hearted support from the Vietnamese community in Krasnodar.

The group has been arranged to stay in a hotel in Krasnodar. Their accommodation, food and travel cost is covered by the Vietnamese community in Krasnodar until they are brought to Viet Nam.

Speaking to Vietnam News Agency, Vu Son Viet, First Secretary at the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia, said that the evacuation of the group from Kherson was difficult due to the tense conflict. He said that the Russian side gave positive support in ensuring safety for the group to move out from the conflict area.

Viet affirmed that the embassy will support the group to complete necessary procedures as soon as possible to return to Viet Nam.

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(Source: VNA)