Donors in RoK honoured for helping Vietnamese typhoon victims

The Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese Business Association in the Republic of Korea (RoK) recently held a ceremony to honour Korean firms and Vietnamese people who have donated funds in support of those affected by Typhoon Yagi in the homeland.
Donors in RoK honoured for helping typhoon victims
Vietnamese Association in Jeonbuk supports victims of typhoon Yagi. (Source: VNA)

Ambassador Vu Ho expressed gratitude for the contributions by the Vietnamese community in the RoK and Korean organisations and businesses, which help ease the losses and suffering of the typhoon victims.

These timely and practical contributions from the RoK demonstrate the solidarity and support between the two countries when Vietnam is hit by natural disasters, Ho stressed.

According to the embassy, as of September 22, Korean companies and organisations had donated a total of 900,000 USD and 5 billion VND (203,000 USD), including 300,000 USD from the SK Group, 300,000 USD from the LG Group, and 250,000 USD from the LS Group through the charity organisation COPION.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese associations in the country have mobilised around 1.5 billion VND from the Vietnamese community.

The embassy also has guided them to transfer the money to the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s bank account.

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(Source: VNA)