Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations

WVR - On the evening of June 7, in Hanoi, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko hosted a reception to celebrate the 34th anniversary of Russia's National Day (June 12, 1990 - 2024) and the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and Russia (June 16, 1994 - 2024). Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, representatives from ministries and branches, the diplomatic corps, and international organizations in Hanoi attended the event.
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha congratulated the country and people of Russia. (Photo: Duc Tuan/VGP)

On behalf of the Government and people of Vietnam, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha congratulated the country and people of Russia, expressing confidence that Russia will succeed in its strategy of modernization and national development.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the long-standing friendship between the people of Vietnam and the people of the former Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation, a relationship that has stood the test of time and has been nurtured by many generations of leaders and people of both nations.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha affirmed that for many generations of Vietnamese people, Russia holds a very important place in their hearts. This sentiment stems not only from Russia’s political and economic support and cooperation with Vietnam but also from the deep emotional and cultural connections between the people.

Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha and Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko. (Photo: VGP/Duc Tuan)

"The relationship between Vietnam and the Russian Federation is a testament to the strength of friendship and cooperation, formed and tested through time and historical events, and continuously strengthened and expanded across many fields, including politics, defense, security, trade, investment, science and technology, education, and healthcare”, the Deputy Minister said.

Deputy Prime Minister Ha noted: “This relationship is having very promising prospects for further development. It is a priceless common asset of the two countries and peoples of Vietnam and Russia. The sincere, steadfast, and faithful bond between the two states and their peoples needs to be continuously nurtured, carried forward, and passed down to future generation."

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations and the upcoming 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the Russian Federation in 2025 mark significant moments for both sides to honour past achievements, seize present opportunities, and build a roadmap towards a future based on shared values, trust, and mutual benefit.

Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations: Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko at the event. (Photo: Courtesy)

In his remarks, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Stepanovich Bezdetko shared that since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and the Russian Federation, the traditional friendly relations between the two countries have developed robustly across all areas of social life.

“Today, we are celebrating not only Russia's National Day but also a significant milestone in the history of Russia-Vietnam relations: the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”.

Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations: Overview of the event. (Photo: Courtesy)

“The past three decades have been marked by the dynamic expansion and diversification of bilateral cooperation. In 2001, the Russia-Vietnam Declaration on Strategic Partnership was signed in Hanoi, and in 2012, our strategic partnership achieved a comprehensive status. Both sides have established regular and reliable high-level political dialogue. Effective mechanisms for coordinated action in economic-trade, scientific-technological, and humanitarian fields have been formed”, the Ambassador noted.

Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations
Celebration of Russia Day and 30th anniversary of Treaty on Principles of Vietnam-Russia Friendly Relations: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, Russian Ambassador Gennady Bezdetko and other Vietnamese representatives. (Photo: VGP/Duc Tuan)

The potential to further deepen bilateral relations is truly unlimited, with the sole aim of ensuring the prosperity and well-being of the people of both nations, the Ambassador stressed.

The Russian Ambassador also emphasized that in the context of the current global situation, the Eastward strategy is becoming increasingly significant in Russia's foreign policy.

"Russia prioritizes fostering strategic partnerships with ASEAN, in which it always values and aims to further strengthen the strong friendship with Vietnam, one of Russia's key partners in Southeast Asia, for the sake of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world", Ambassador Bezdetko said.

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