Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela: Ambassador

WVR/VNA - On May 22, the Vietnamese Embassy and the international military attaches association in Venezuela co-organised a seminar introducing Vietnam's foreign policy and defence strategy.
Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela: Ambassador
Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela: On May 22, the Vietnamese Embassy and the international military attaches association in Venezuela co-organised a seminar introducing Vietnam's foreign policy and defence strategy. (Photo: WVR)

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Vu Trung My highlighted the Southeast Asian nation’s consistent implementation of a development-oriented foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, and cooperation. The policy also covers the diversification and multilateralisation of foreign relations, proactive and positive international integration, and being a reliable friend, partner, and active, responsible member of the international community.

Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with all the 193 United Nations member states, including formal diplomatic relations with all the 35 countries in the America, he noted.

The Ambassador went on sharing that the nation builds its defence strength based on the comprehensive power of national solidarity under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, while resolutely and persistently resolving all disputes and differences by peaceful means on the basis of international law.

Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela: Ambassador
Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela: A group

Additionally, Vietnam consistently adheres to the "four no's" principle of not participating in military alliances, not affiliating with one country to oppose another, not allowing foreign countries to establish military bases or use Vietnamese territory to oppose other countries, and not using force or threatening to use force in international relations.

Expressing admiration for Vietnam's heroic struggle tradition, Deputy Military Attaché of the Mexican Embassy Witman Perez Cuevas said the event helped participants deepen their understanding of the nation and contributed to enhancing mutual trust and fostering opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)