Vietnamese, Lao armies boost information, liaison cooperation

On July 20, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh received a delegation from the Information Department under the General Staff of the Lao People's Army (LPA), led by its Director Col. Souban Phanthavi.

Anh said that Vietnam-Laos defence cooperation has been implemented in a more substantive and effective manner, particularly in training and expert exchanges.

Vietnamese, Lao armies boost information, liaison cooperation | Politics | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
Vietnamese, Laos officers posing for a photo. (Photo: VNA)

Souban Phanthavi thanked the VPA for providing multi-faceted assistance for the Information Department, including the training of human resources and equipment supply, thus contributing to the LPA’s building up an increasingly strong information force to meet its needs in the new context.

He expressed his hope that the Vietnamese Defence Ministry and the VPA General Staff will continue creating favourable conditions for the two countries’ information forces to enhance their cooperation.

The Vietnamese officer proposed the two sides maintain the effective implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment and operation of a hotline between the two ministries.

He stressed the need to step up the exchange and sharing of experiences, and human resources training; and ensure information security for the upcoming Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia border exchange.

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(Source: Vietnamplus)