Party Politburo member Luong Cuong receives Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement delegation

WVR/VNA - Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong received a delegation from the Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement (MIU) Party led by its General Secretary and Minister of Regional Integration Policies of the Dominican Republic Miguel Mejia in Hanoi on June 10, 2024.
Party Politburo member Luong Cuong receives Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement delegation
Party Politburo member Luong Cuong receives Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement delegation: olitburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong receives General Secretary of the Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement (MIU) Party and Minister of Regional Integration Policies of the Dominican Republic Miguel Mejia. (Photo: VNA)

During the reception, Politburo Cuong conveyed the best regards of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to Miguel Mejia and welcomed the positive results achieved in the talks between the Dominican delegation with the high-ranking delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Recalling the traditional friendship between the two countries, Cuong affirmed that the Party and State of Vietnam always attach importance to developing friendship relations and multifaceted cooperation with the Dominican Republic and its political parties, including MIU.

Politburo Cuong thanked the MIU and the authority of Santo Domingo Este for organising a ceremony to inaugurate the upgraded Ho Chi Minh Park and the statue of President Ho Chi Minh in the country.

General Secretary Miguel Mejia congratulated Vietnam for its important achievements in nearly 40 years of Doi moi (Renewal), and appreciated the positive development of Vietnam in the first half of the 13th congress term under the leadership of the CPV led by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Host and guest affirmed that the two sides attach importance to expanding comprehensive relations and better tapping the advantages and potential of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of oil and gas and telecommunications.

The two sides were asked to effectively implement the cooperation agreement between the two parties; closely coordinate and deploy new cooperation initiatives and proposals in accordance with the dynamic development of the reality.

Earlier, the MIU Party's high-ranking delegation held talks with a high-ranking delegation of the CPV led by Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung.

The two sides exchanged major points in the situation of the two parties, the two countries and international issues of mutual concern. They identified the focuses in implementing the cooperation agreement between the two parties and discussed their coordination in consolidating the political foundation and promoting potential areas of cooperation between the two countries. The two sides agreed to actively support each other at international multilateral political party forums.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)