NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man meets President Putin in Moscow

WVR/VNA - On September 10, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Tran Thanh Man had a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow as part of his official visit to Russia.
NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man meets President Putin in Moscow
NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man meets President Putin in Moscow:

The meeting took place in a friendly and straightforward atmosphere. NA Chairman Man conveyed regards from Party General Secretary anđ President To Lam, and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to President Putin.

He informed the President about the outcomes of his visit and discussed the content of the cooperation between the two countries and two parliaments in the time ahead.

President Putin asked NA Chairman Man to convey his invitations to Party General Secretary and President Lam and Prime Minister Chinh to visit Russia at an appropriate time.

He appreciated the significance and outcomes of the Vietnamese legislative leader’s visit, and suggested the two countries’ legislative bodies continue enhancing their cooperation, contributing to promoting the Russia-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership in a pragmatic and effective manner.

He also pledged support for the legislatures to materialise their signed cooperation agreements.

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(Source: WVR/VNA)