Art programme marks 76th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotism

An art program was held in Hanoi on June 5 to mark the 76th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotic emulation (June 11, 1948-2024).

Themed “Vietnam – an aspiration to Rise” about President Ho Chi Minh, the event helped raise public awareness of patriotism and great national solidarity, particularly among young people. It encouraged them to devote themselves and contribute to the breakthroughs in the nation’s construction, renewal, and international integration.

Art programme marks 76th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotism
The art program is organized at the Hanoi Opera House on June 5. (Source: VNA)

It featured songs that extol patriotism, devotional spirit, and national construction, and documentaries on the national resistance war.

At the event, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Trinh Thi Thuy stated that 76 years have passed. Still, the late leader’s appeal lives on, helping promote the patriotic emulation among the Vietnamese events in peacetime to build a stronger and more prosperous nation.

Back in 1948 when the country was struggling as it waged its resistance war against the French, President Ho Chi Minh appealed for patriotic emulation on June 11 to encourage the entire nation to contribute to the war.

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(Source: VNA)